

  • I have also heard of people who use a mini crock pot and cook themselves something while they are working. These are perfect for 1 person meals. Then, at least you would have something hot to eat every once in a while. Good luck!
  • I just started this week and think we can all use encouragement but also someone to help hold us accountable. I am willing to be your accountablilty and encouragement partner if you need one. Lisa
  • Well, I really don't think this is a healthy form of eating but I am not a dr. Have you spoken with your dr. about this? That is where I would start. It's easy for all of us to give our opinion but it sounds like maybe you might need to talk with your dr and just get some healthy guidelines. Do you have anyone at home that…
  • :smile: I think I have done pretty well but I do realize that I have to eat at home for now and not eat out. I am simply not strong enough yet to eat out. I would like to find a nut that I enjoy that isn't a lot of fat. I am eating cashews, pepitos, sunflower seeds, almonds, and some pecans. As far as meats, I am eating…
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