juberry Member


  • Congratulations! Excellent work and by all means, get used to thinking of the "new" you. You earned it!
  • That is so cool! Congratulations!
  • Also while waiting in line (in addition to sucking it in) I balance on one foot and then switch back and forth. I stretch, using my bathroom sink counter like a ballet barre. I do some little butt exercises while making photocopies at work, as long as no one is around :)
  • Congrats on your great new job. I think those "very active" calories may be for marathon runners or serious athletes in training, so you might want to eat what you're hungry for. I wouldn't go eating 2500 calories unless I was super hungry. And each day varies in the amount of exertion, doesn't it? Might as well take…
  • Boneless, skinless chicken breasts, tofu, brown rice, turkey, fish. Do you have access to Costco or Trader Joe's? They have some goodies: Costco has Bruce Aidell chicken apple sausages that are about 160 calories; it's a large hotdog. Trader Joe's has tons of frozen entrees that are low in calories (and some that aren't…
  • Hey it's not always easy! My suggestion would be to consider Weight Watchers, at least for a few months, to get some live and in person camaraderie and support for your program. And by all means, keep doing My Fitness Pal. Good luck!
  • I've had exactly the same experience. I used to go to a body pump class where the instructor would say we had burned 500 calories in the hour. But she did a lot of plyometrics and other jumping cardio in the class. So maybe a less strenuous class would be 350-450 calories burned. It's still a lot!
    in Body Pump Comment by juberry April 2011
  • That's probably too many drinks. Also, check the calorie counts for alcohol. And...alcohol gives us a belly bloat, which is one great reason to avoid it or use it in moderation. Good luck with your planning.
  • Don't make a big mission out of starting: just get up and get moving. Do little things like going up and down the stairs, parking far away and walking to the store or work, doing abs while watching tv. Add the big workouts in. Avoid the crazy calories and sit at the table whenever you eat, no distractions. All the…
  • My guess is 500. I've done a class like that a couple times and the instructor seemed to think 500 was accurate. Love those classes!
  • You ARE a thin person! Many heartfelt congratulations. You are doing exactly what you need to succeed. Nothing can stand in your way. I love the list of "cans" that you have earned at 22 lbs lost. That is so impressive. It's like people on Biggest Loser and you're doing it on your own. Way to go!
  • I read fitness magazines while I am on the elliptical at the gym. They are full of goodies! Fitness, Shape, Self, Health, Women's Health. I also love finding new skincare and makeup products while I'm reading. Often I try out new exercises in the mags when I move to the weights and bench area of the gym. Here's what…
  • I sip cold water, which allows me to go to sleep. If I wake up, I sometimes go get a small cup of nonfat milk which has protein, fills my stomach enough to get me back to sleep, and has some nice benefits along the lines of sleepiness. And then I dig that weight loss I see the next day!
  • I like a small piece of grilled boneless skinless chicken breast, a serving of steamed brown rice, and some steamed veggies when I need a low-calorie dinner. There's even room for some butter or margarine on the rice and veggies, and I also use a squirt of soy sauce.
  • Plus...MFP is free! You set your calories and goals. I know WW works for some people but MFP is like going to a meeting every day and it's easy and quick and the price is right :) BUT it's up to each of us to put in the food and exercise work. So go get 'em and exceed your expectations!
  • Hi, I'm not a spring chicken myself so it's nice to hear from someone else who's not 19...:) Anyway, have you visited a doctor or nutritionist or personal trainer to get some insights into calorie requirements, workouts and all that good kind of thing? You don't want to starve yourself or over-exercise, but you do want…
  • Run in place. Do jumping jacks. Hit the deck and do crunches and push-ups. Get the Wii out when she's not looking or otherwise occupied and put it back quickly when you're done. How about an exercise video? Is there any space in the home that you can use to your advantage? Can you break up your exercise into several…
  • Lots of cardio and can you try some weight training? It boosts metabolism, burns calories and does a whole lot more. But mostly cardio.
  • Happy Monday. My system is to eat a 120 calorie mini-breakfast before I work out, then a bigger meal afterwards. The mini is 4 oz of orange juice, a really small bowl of cereal, and a cup of coffee with some 2% milk. The after-workout meal is toast and coffee, totalling about 200 calories. I pretty much adhere to the six…
  • Hi, I just last evening read a magazine article about a woman who was going to have lapband surgery and was told she needed to prove she couldn't lose weight on her own, so she joined Weight Watchers. In a couple of weeks she lost 10 pounds and then got more motivated and starting exercising, eating the right foods, and lo…
  • can you get a pair of those fuzzy socks that are in stores around now? they are very nice and soft and warm.
  • Very sad and overwhelming news. But please try to approach your feelings this way: work out. When your dad receives his treatment and is recovering, walk with him when he is able. Make nutrition choices that will help the whole family improve health and live better.
    in Sad day Comment by juberry December 2010
  • The thing that makes my belly blob up is wine. When I cut out the wine, my belly flattens out.
  • Oh we can relate, all right! Good for you. I had that experience last spring because I began losing weight a year ago, so I had to get pants taken in or buy new ones for spring and summer. Now I'm having the same "problem" this winter and keep trying to find belts that work with my warmer clothes. It's a rough life, but…
  • Do you belong to a gym where weight training classes are offered? At mine they are called "muscle challenge" or "pump". That's where I learned to use barbells and free weights. There are books and magazines that illustrate proper form. Or maybe a couple sessions with a trainer? I think the basic idea is you begin with a…
  • Mega congratulations to you. I like your goal of hitting the 100s by Thanksgiving--it's a reminder to all of us that the holidays are not an excuse to overeat and gain weight. Keep up the good work!
  • Hi, my favorite thing to do is eat a small breakfast (120 cal) including coffee, then go to the gym and work out. It makes a great start to my day. I then eat a decent-sized snack when I get to work. Later on in the day I'll walk my dog and/or do some Pilates or abs at home. However, on occasion I'll go to the gym after…
  • Hi, I just wanted to offer some support. My experience has been that it's not easy to stick to a set program. It looks good at the beginning and then becomes a bore. I recommend finding a huge variety of low calorie, low fat foods that you enjoy eating, some new, some old. One of my favorites is a bowl of lowfat ice cream…