what is the best protein powder for weightloss?
people at stores look at you differently than they do skinny people. its like cant i just go to your store to by jewelery. its not like i'm gonna steal your size 2 pants. jerks!
size 24:sad: but not for much longer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you look great! you go girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
people can be so mean, sorry that happened to you. that is so rude. and your boyfriend shouldnt of told you cause in the end it only hurt you. sorry!
that is an awesome tattoo. great cover up
looking great!
wow you look great!!!!
wow that is so amazing! i want to be like you!
hi there, I'm Morgan, i just joined and i want to lose more than a hundred lbs. I've tried in the past but always gave up. i am almost 29 and haven't lived yet and i know its my weight that is holding me back. but you guys have motivated me to start moving my butt so thanks!