

  • I think you are being very harsh, you don't know whether these people can only do so much, they may have a health reason that means they can't go berserk on a bit of equipment....the fact that they're in there doing something gets my respect......I have osteoarthritis and can only do gentle exercise and I would hate to…
  • thanks for all the encouragement guys.......have added those who said it would be ok as friends :) better go and update my profile......as my daughter is just coming to the end of her 2nd year at uni, boy time has flown......looking forward to getting you know you and encouraging each other :)
    in Hello Comment by julsie April 2011
  • I rotate two smoothies... Low fat yoghurt, frozen strawberries, half a banana (frozen) and a little squeeze of honey Low fat yoghurt, frozen banana, frozen blueberries and a little squeeze of honey..... I buy fresh fruit and if it looks like it's about to turn, then I chop it up, pop it in a freezer bag and then put it in…
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