Breakfast Smoothies



  • halejr23
    halejr23 Posts: 294
    I have a shakeology shake every morning after my workout. I rotate between my 2 favorite recipes:
    Banana Split
    3 ice cubes, i scoop chocolate shakeology, 5 medium to large strawberries, 2 pineapple rings, 1 cup water - approx 300 calories

    Reese's PB Cup
    5 ice cubes, 1 cup non fat milk or almond milk, 2 Tbsp PB2, 1 scoop chocolate shakeology - approx 270 calories

    The banana split makes close to 32 ounces so you can sip on that for quite a while or drink half and then finish other half later.
    Reese's PB Cup makes around 20-24 ounces. Both are FULL of nutrients and are filling.

    Also, in case you have not heard of it PB2 is a powdered PB that has 85% less fat and calories than regular PB but tastes the same. Cheapest place I found it is directly for the maker:
  • HurricaneShaunna
    HurricaneShaunna Posts: 61 Member

    You can get the complete magic bullet kits for under $50. Check sunday papers for sales.

    And if you get it at Bed, Bath and Beyond you can use a 20% off coupon so it is $40.

    I love mine. It's so much easier than getting out the giant blender, and makes me what to have smoothies/protein shakes every day.
  • rhirvo
    rhirvo Posts: 162 Member
  • rhirvo
    rhirvo Posts: 162 Member
    Ladies what type of protein powder are you using? Do you know of any that are high in iron?
  • mmasteller
    mmasteller Posts: 4 Member
    Here's my favorite (tastes like blueberry pancakes and is just under 300 calories).

    1 Scoop of Vanilla Whey Protein
    3/4 Cup Skim Milk
    2 Ice Cubes
    1/2 Cup Frozen Blueberries
    1 Tb Flaxseeds
  • Kjarlune
    Kjarlune Posts: 178
    I have seen a lot of people on here use oatmeal in their smoothies/shakes. Stupid question, but are you using uncooked oatmeal? That would be a great addition to a breakfast smoothie/shake.

    I use uncooked oatmeal in my shakes every day...It does fill and cannot be tasted in the smoothy...

    My fav is
    NLY Natural live yogurt
    frozen blueberries
    frozen raspberries
    1 tablespoon oatmeal
    1 tablespoon chia seed
    coconut milk
    1 squirt of agave
    Little bit of water

    I use a knock off bullet from walmart. Works way better than the bullet I had. Makes a perfect amount and is a great meal replacement. All natural. You could add some spinach if you wanted....
  • julsie
    julsie Posts: 4
    I rotate two smoothies...

    Low fat yoghurt, frozen strawberries, half a banana (frozen) and a little squeeze of honey

    Low fat yoghurt, frozen banana, frozen blueberries and a little squeeze of honey.....

    I buy fresh fruit and if it looks like it's about to turn, then I chop it up, pop it in a freezer bag and then put it in the freezer for smoothies :)
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