xxkayleexbearxx Member


  • Thank you everyone for all the advice. Some of it seems helpful. As far as my inhaler goes, I use Ventolin. And I do take it before I exercise, but I still have a hard time breathing. Not nearly as much as I would without it, but my breathing is still restricted. I lived in Las Vegas for 18 years, and I now live in…
  • Wow, I can honestly say that you are the first person to really and truly motivate me. Thank you so much. And congrats on your weight loss by the way. You look incredible.
  • I'm from Colorado too, I'm in the Colorado Springs area. I'm new to this site also so I don't know how helpful it is. But I trust that it is a great site because I've heard great things about it. Anyway, good luck with everything :)
  • Thank you very much. And good luck to you as well. :) I'm liking this already !!