BeLeanD Member


  • hmm.. no comments.. I guess I am alone!
  • Great for you Gabryka! I just delivered two beautiful healthy twin boys 4 months ago - and though things are still hectic and I am totally sleep deprived.. this app makes it a little easier to manage my calories and get a handle on my eating. I have practically zero time to exercise.. I am actually trying to sneak 10-15…
    in Newbie :) Comment by BeLeanD August 2012
  • how coincidental.... Jamie Eason is my role model when it comes to this stuff! We are the same height, so I found it helpful to compare my body to hers (to a certain point because I don't aim to be as built as she is!) I used to have a picture of her in my exercise room for motivation!
  • Hi! I used to be in your situation. I was 130 and then got down to 120 by dieting and exercising. But then I really focused on losing fat instead of just weight by couting calories and exercising and got down to 106. Believe it or not, the easier I took it with my exercise - mostly lifting and limiting cardio - your body…