Personally I absolutely love whole wheat pastas; I think they taste better than the regular stuff and they're higher in fiber so they keep you full longer. Since I've started cooking, I transitioned wholly to whole wheat pasta and everyone else thinks it's just as good if not better. Also, brown rice has more nutritional…
"3. Ammonia: 1 tsp household ammonia; 1/4 cup hydrogen peroxide; 3/4 cup water. This one you need to saturate the areas, scrub with a small brush and let soak for a few minutes, then rinse. " Be careful if you try this and you have pets. The ammonia smell can make them want to urinate there.
To get her to try new recipes you might tell her you love that she cooks for you and you want to do something for her. Tell her that you want to cook for her and then you try the new recipe. If they like it, I'm certain you can get Grandma to add it to her repertoire.
I eat 3 meals: breakfast, lunch, and dinner, but have 1-2 snacks daily. Usually Breakfast is a homemade mini burrito and a banana, snack banana, lunch leftovers and grapes, snack apple, dinner. Sometimes, if I'm really hungry I'll have an evening snack too. I like popcorn because it's salty and calmes cravings, but doesn't…
Also whole wheat grains, broccoli, and soy have quite a bit of iron in them.
Beans have quite a bit of iron in them. Being iron deficient will decrease your body's ability to move oxygen around as you may not produce enough hemoglobin and you could become anemic.
I cook it in chicken broth and add fresh minced garlic.
Those Bison look delicious and I'm definately jealous. My Dad and I go hunting every year to fill the freezer and this year neither of us pulled tags. Last year we didn't get anything. Our freezer is definately empty; we'll be eating rabbit and squirrel this year. So sad, we live next to the largest bison ranch in the US…
I know I'm a little late, but I will commit to 30 coins 5 times per week.
Pop-Tarts Pizza Chocolate ice cream of any variety Cookies Candy Cake Cobbler Basically Anything Sweet