

  • Very interesting article! Maybe, like the man who wrote it, I'm just learning the hard way that walking burns way less than running does. Thank you for sharing!
  • Glad I'm not the only one! There's a part of me that wants it to be wrong, so that I'm burning more calories. But I also don't want a defective HRM. I'll probably have to experiment more to see how well the numbers match up with my expectations, etc.
  • Yep. One of the first things I did after I bought it.
  • I LOVE reading at the gym! I get really bored just running on the treadmill or elliptical and seeing the same wall for my whole 30-60 minute workout. So reading a book, or watching a movie on my iPhone, makes it more interesting and fun! I generally have two different modes when doing cardio at the gym: 1. The assigned…
  • I really do feel and look different with the extra 5 pounds. I don't know why they make such a big difference exactly, probably because my body fat is pretty low to begin with and I have a small frame even though I'm 5'9". I'm pretty sure other people notice it too, probably at a subliminal level, though it's hard to be…
  • That's very helpful, thank you! So basically, I just need to stop worrying about the scale and just be patient for good results. Easier said than done but I'll certainly try!
  • Thank you! That's how it came across originally, don't worry :) You guys have me researching IF now... I never knew it was an actual "thing" before!
  • I haven't exercised yet today. I'm about to play tennis pretty soon, and I may do some weights at the gym later. My goal is to burn around 600-700 calories total, depending on how I feel. It's not about being at a healthy weight; I've always been "healthy", but I gained the freshman 15 at college and still have 6 pounds…
  • One word: portions. Also, I tend to slightly overestimate my intake just to be safe. I know I didn't eat enough protein. It was one of those days when carbs were just right there! :(
  • That makes sense, and I've certainly noticed it first-hand. I just have so little weight left to lose that I tend to watch the scale very closely and notice patterns in my eating that make it go up or down.
  • That makes sense to me. It's just that I've sort of been waiting to drop those couple random pounds I gained this week, so I assumed when I woke up a pound lighter that my body was just getting on board with my healthy habits. But your explanation makes more logical sense by far.
  • Yeah, that's probably true. This isn't necessarily something I want to do every day, just a cycle I've picked up lately and wondered about. I do like to eat nice dinners and such and wouldn't want to eliminate that entirely.
  • So does that mean it isn't actual weight loss? I'm trying to understand the process and why eating early affects me that way.