Sabina89 Member


  • A lot of calorie counting tools online give very low daily calorie recommendations. I think it is perfectly fine that you go over the 1200 limit. You should be eating the extra calories lost from exercise in order to ensure that your body is getting enough energy and replenishing after workouts...that is if you want to…
  • Calorie requirements vary from person to person. Of course it depends on weight/height, metabolic rate, activity level, goals, etc. If you are training hard and most days of the week (5+) then you might need more calories to prevent loss of too much weight. I for example want to build more muscle and shed the little bit of…
  • What's your name? Sabina Where do you live? South Florida What are your food vices/ cheats? I love to bake and eat what I bake. I love dark chocolate! What do you think is holding you back from being in your TOP shape? Sugar and frequent snacking. What's your favorite exercise? Classic weight lifting and P90X videos on…