Imagine your kid at your funeral. That did it for me. I should have had kids sooner.
dude.... 12 lbs? Are you kidding? You're awesome. Just relax. Let the site do the math and move on. Just don't lie to the calculator, or yourself, and you'll get there. If you have to stress it, pace while you fret, and list it under "cardio".
Hm. Yeah. Had 'em, but they cleared up. Close call.
No, really. If you use it, you'll DIE!!! And, what's worse, it'll put you in.... STARVATION MODE!!!!! (duhn duhn daaaaaah!!!!)
No. Seriously. This is the real deal. And, yes, it is "ok". Don't believe everything you read.... Except this. This is real. Seriously.
Yes. It works. It's scientifically proven: The more pizza you eat, the more weight you lose. What people usually miss is the beer. It's the hops, I think, but for this diet to work, you need at LEAST 12oz of beer with each slice of pizza. Do it. You won't be disappointed.
Good job :) My fave: "You're gaining weight because you're not eating enough!" Heh. Someone should tell all the obese Ethiopians to get their colesterol checked.
No buying the "not eating enough" to lose weight bs. Sure, your metabolism slows when you're starving, but math doesn't change. Burn more calories than you consume and you will burn fat. GOYA
Thank you. Beat me to it. It's fascinating what people will do to make themselves feel smarter than someone else. A pound of feathers weighs the same as a pound of muscle, too, but I'm sure you'd rather not look like you have a pound of feathers under your shirt. By the way, a pound of muscle results in a higher metabolism…
That's what I thought. It's surprising to hear that it doesn't knock you out. Well, be careful :) Good luck with your weight loss, and thanks for the response.
I took one once. Doc said it would help me sleep... I woke up 20 hours later, and didn't fully gain my senses until a day later. That was the last time. Later another doc told me that shrinks use it to peel psychotics off the ceiling. Seriously: Did you ever experience that? Scared me. I could barely move for most of a day.
"When should I get a tattoo? I'm not asking for your opinion! Really!' Brilliant. You're a real thinker. Go get your ink, genius.
>> When to get your first tattoo? At exactly the same time you want to disqualify yourself. Unless your shipmates, or cellmates, guilt you into it, don't do that. Chick with a tattoo? Turd on a pizza.
Why conceal? Carry open and avoid the problems you describe, and the problem to begin with. Seriously.
Butter ruins lobster. Just stick it your your mouth, chew, and, swallow. Seriously. Don't over cook it and you won't have to bury it in grease.