

  • Just don't worry if your proteins are too high :) I usually base my foods on my macro percentage, aiming for 40% carbs, 30% protein and 30% fat. I'm still playing around with it though. The biggest thing is persistence! You're doing awesome so far :)
  • From looking at your diary a little bit, I'd say you're doing just fine! Natural sugars are just fine. I try not to eat more than 3 servings of fruit in a day, but if it's an apple versus a cookie, ignore the sugar amount and go for the apple! As for the protein, your protein goals are set way too low anyway! You should be…
  • Don't give up! You're doing awesome! It's not uncommon to gain a few pounds when you first begin working out. That's muscle mass! It will take some time for the ratios to switch, but soon enough you'll start shedding pounds and getting more toned. Weight isn't the only component of being thin and healthy. You should also…