dngrwmn Member


  • I'm currently doing Body Revolution which is Strength training 4 days per week and Cardio 2 days per week. I'm just about to finish up my 1st month. So far in the first 3 weeks I've lost 4 lbs and 12 inches. The weight loss is slow but steady, but I'm really stoked about the inches lost. I have 9 weeks to go to complete…
  • I didn't think Weeks 3 & 4 were super challanging to complete, however, after each one I was totally wiped out. It really sneaks up on you. For me, it seems easy to do but it is really kicking my butt.
  • Strength training boosts metabolism (along with proper nutrition). Implementing strength training to you program will complement your weight loss efforts.
  • I would think 30 day shred would work in a small area. I haven't done it in awhile, but I do remember doing it at the foot of my bed in less space than 8 x 10. Good luck
  • What is a "Lunk Alarm"? I've never heard of that. I don't know if I'd like a gym that told me I couldn't do certain exercises, however, for the price, it might be worth it if the restrictions weren't an issue to you. I go to 24 hour fitness. I love that place. I actually cancelled my membership a few years ago to try…
  • I actually prefer running outside to the treadmil. With the treadmill you are constantly looking at the same spot, while outside, the scenery changes, so for me - less boring. As far as speed goes, I'm not a fast runner and probably never will be. I haven't ran much lately but I want to get back into it. I do think that I…
  • I'm currently doing the Body Revolution program. I just started week 4 this morning. I love this program and that it is only 30 minutes, but boy do you feel it. Good luck with the program and do post your progress. I have lost 4 lbs and 12 inches in 3 weeks.
  • I'm currently doing her Body Revolution program. I love that it is only 30 minutes/day. You wouldn't think that would give you much but I'm always sore the next day. I just started week 4 this morning, will move on to Phase 2 next week. So far (in 3 weeks), I've dropped 4 lbs and 12 inches. I do have the 30 day shred and I…