sunaric Member


  • Here is my picture along with one of our two goofy cats. This is Omar and I'm Sunny
  • Not quite sure how this group works....since many of of you seem to know each other and are replying directly to each other and I'm not sure how to make friends here. I have gotten more overweight overtime starting at 42 when I had my first child and now I'm 67 and quite obese (290). I am usually a very happy person but…
  • Hi ladies, same deal...I joined a couple of years ago and didn't use the excellent tools. Started over today...used food calorie counter and logged my exercise. I'd love to be in a little support group with others who want to shed the excess permanently. Sunny
  • Hi Adam, Thanks so much for the offer! I am an ex-jock that has aged and ballooned to the point of not being able to play sad. If I could lose 150lbs...who knows, maybe I could run again, play soccer and softball, dance, all the the things I love. I just got a fitbit one so I am hoping that with more tracking…