Time to start again

anku08 Posts: 82 Member
Hi all, I used MFP and lost upto 10 kgs 2 years back. But then lost my motivation and gained my weight back. infact more. Then I moved to US for my studies, and gained a little more.
I want to lose weight. And I'm looking for people to lose weight as a team. I'm from Lexington, KY. If there anybody else from lexington or other place, join me and lets help each other to lose weight.


  • looseseal
    looseseal Posts: 216 Member
    Apparently I also joined MFP two years ago. Having a bit of a memory block about that. lol

    I also lost 20lbs. a few years ago only to gain it all back. Had a horrendous 2013 but am finally at a place where I can focus on getting rid of the weight.

    I'm in if you're in! :smile:
  • Good luck with your journey! Please feel free to add me! I love lifting and cardio! Also love my vino! :-)
  • sunaric
    sunaric Posts: 4 Member
    Hi ladies,
    same deal...I joined a couple of years ago and didn't use the excellent tools. Started over today...used food calorie counter and logged my exercise. I'd love to be in a little support group with others who want to shed the excess permanently. Sunny