

  • Thanks for all the tips and the input! My husband works from 330pm to 430am and sleeps until about 11am so I can't leave and go to the gym till then-i go and I get in 90mins of cardio-i found the dvds not to help me it was easier for me to find something else to do but I love my gym! I took out all the junk in my house 3…
  • I have a 7 year old who is full time in school and then a little one that is about to be two and my husband works nights so i can only get out of the house when he finally wakes up and if it's further into the day i feel less motivated to actually go to the gym but when i am there i love it! My problem is snacking on their…
  • Thats the problem im having, i dont eat enough protein and although they dont make me go over my calorie goal it's usually not a good carb like a cookie or something sweet that i am trying to eliminate. i did start protein shakes and such but i dont feel like i eat enough "good" food.
  • Thanks for the add! i already looked at your diary im gonna have to take some tips from you! it's hard for me also because i also don't eat a lot of meat! i've very picky in that way! I feel like i go to the gym and i do such a good job and then i get ridiculous cravings and i ruin it all! i also try to only eat what im…
  • I need to get rid of bad carbs, it's my down fall its the one thing i will over eat. Although i did switch to better breads, now i'm trying not to eat them at all. it's mostly the sugary carbs im trying to rid!