Stay at home Mom struggles!

Are any other stay at home moms struggling with staying on track? Or if you ever were, how did you fight it off?


  • abbyo3
    abbyo3 Posts: 2
    yes i am definitly struggling.i recently had twins plus i have a 20 month old also,so exercising is a big issue.i cannot seems to get time.
  • I have a 7 year old who is full time in school and then a little one that is about to be two and my husband works nights so i can only get out of the house when he finally wakes up and if it's further into the day i feel less motivated to actually go to the gym but when i am there i love it! My problem is snacking on their stuff, stuff i shouldn't have :(
  • shanander
    shanander Posts: 50 Member
    I work out at home, usually mid-day, since I cannot commit to getting out of the house (and with a 6 month old and 3 year old, I don't want to put them in a gym daycare, especially this time of year!) And my husband's schedule is unpredictable and by the end of the night, I just want to pick up the house and relax.

    I can squeeze in a kettlebell workout in 15-20 minutes and will burn 200+ calories. Can do it during a nap or while they play since they can keep themselves busy for that amount of time (usually!)

    Biggest advice, get the junk out of the house. The kids don't need it and neither do you. If it's not there, you wont be tempted. My first week on slow carb, I found that I would eat one of everything I gave my daughter (like an animal cracker, goldfish, etc) but now I keep myself so full that I don't even think of eating any of her stuff. I also try and keep fresh cut veggies easily available. My 3yr old started to ask for them (broccoli, cauliflower) as snacks.

    Either toss the bad stuff, or enjoy a last week of junk binge to get rid of it. I made donations of food that were loaded with sugar and used a lot of stuff of my cheat days until my pantry was cleaned up. Now it's full of nuts, some crackers and stuff for my daughter, but I lean towards yummy Emerald Cocoa almonds, PB&Cocoa nuts and PB&J nuts.
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    I find that when I'm out and about, I actually have a harder time staying on track. When I'm at home, I have no problem. Probably because the only food I shouldn't eat that I allow into the house are my son's chicken nuggets, which are actually kinda gross to me. Consequently I am a major homebody now! :)
  • genericaroar
    genericaroar Posts: 51 Member
    Yes! It can be tough. I force myself to workout before I do anything else. Usually during my son's morning nap, sometimes before my husband leaves for work. I don't keep any junk in the house and try to never leave hungry...even if we are going out for lunch I try to eat something before heading out. I can't imagine how tough it must be with your husband working nights.
  • MorganLeighRN
    MorganLeighRN Posts: 411 Member
    Get DVDs like P90X or Insanity and have your two year old do it with you or do it when they are napping. My son will sometimes do P90X with me and he loves it, granted he is 8 but he still loves it.
  • c_faulkenburg
    c_faulkenburg Posts: 158 Member
    I can't bring the junk into the house. My husband brought some cookies home, and I was busily trying to get my three boys lunch (3,2, and .5) and I ate two of them without paying a bit of attention to what their calories were. I about choked when I discovered that each cookie was over 200 calories. Same thing happened a couple of days later when I ate two flatbreads with some Greek chicken.

    Always keep whole foods on hand to snack on (fruit, vegetables, etc.), and always be aware of what you are putting into your mouth. My worst habit was not paying attention to what I was eating (obviously) so I made up my mind to stop that. Pay attention to the serving sizes and stick to that. We used to hit the drive through once a week, now I make sure that there is something ready for us to eat when I pick my son up from preschool. I'm constantly eating, I'm just making better choices.
  • MelisRunning
    MelisRunning Posts: 819 Member
    I was a stay at home mom, too (my kids are now 25 and 23). When they were little, I was heavily into fitness and did aerobics classes like crazy. I was able to get a job as an aerobics instructor and got certifications, etc. and was a very busy lady carting my two children with me to various classes and sticking them in the gym nursery. Looking back on it, it probably would have been a better thing to weight a few pounds extra than to lose the precious few years I had with my children than by being more concerned about my weight. Back then I did not have a weight problem (I was actually underweight at the time-funny how time changes things!) and could have stood to gain a few. Funny how time changes your perspective. Log. Exercise. Do the best you can and enjoy your time with your kids.
  • ethansma12
    ethansma12 Posts: 3 Member
    Today was my first day of keeping track, i got on this website awhile back and just decided to get serious. It is very hard!!! I can't imagine how many cals i eat when im not keeping track. Hang in there, we can do it!!!!
  • PhearlessPhreaks
    PhearlessPhreaks Posts: 890 Member
    I find that when I'm out and about, I actually have a harder time staying on track. When I'm at home, I have no problem. Probably because the only food I shouldn't eat that I allow into the house are my son's chicken nuggets, which are actually kinda gross to me. Consequently I am a major homebody now! :)

    Me too. As far as food goes, I definitely do better at home in a controlled environment. My daughter is almost 1; the only "snack" type items I keep around for her are puffs and yogurt melts, so thankfully there's no temptation there. When I have errands to run and I don't plan well for it (which is often) is when I end up tempted by drive-thru or the various yummies at the store.

    Excercise can be a bit tricky, particularly cardio this time of year, because it's cold, and if it's below 20 degrees F, I won't take her outside. And being pregnant (16wks) makes at home cardio routines a bit tricky. I rely heavily on my dumbbells and mat work like pilates and yoga, usually when the baby is napping. I am getting a membership at the university gym (they have a pool!) but my husband is working on his PhD in Nanoscale engineering, so he's really busy with coursework and research projects which makes gym scheduling a bit tricky.

    So far, the walking when I can (sometimes we go to the mall to walk) and strength training have worked pretty well, as I haven't gained any weight so far.
  • Lizrobin3108
    Lizrobin3108 Posts: 102 Member
    I use work out DVD's. I have to wait until my kids go to sleep though because I am afraid of hurting them when I am pranching around like a crazy person. It sucked at first to wait until night time but I got used to it after a week or so. I look forward to it now because I take out my days frustration and stress on the work out.

    Just keep logging your food and try to fit in a workout when you can. Take the kids for a walk. I like to walk to a playground with them and then walk around the playground as they play. Take some comfy walking weights too!

    Good Luck!
  • shaywallis
    shaywallis Posts: 165 Member
    I was having a hard time until I finally just said "FORGET IT" I am getting this DONE! I have committed myself to doing crossfit 5 times a week. I get out of bed before the babies wake up and go workout. I'm usually home before they wake, or sometimes I get home and hubby says they have been up for 30mins. Some days I will wake up a little earlier than needed and do some chores and cook breakfast ( I put it in the stove for them to have when they wake up). This has been a HUGE help with my anxiety and PPD. I have a 3yr old and a 5mo old. The 5mo old is EBF and REFUSES to take a bottle or pacifier, meaning I cant be gone long. But still I make that extra time to better myself = ) You can do it mommas! As soon as your feet hit the ground, tell yourself "Today is the day!"
  • cleomouri
    cleomouri Posts: 51 Member
    I hear you. Our daughter is 20 months old and it can be tricky to squeeze in a workout.

    Is there a time when your little one goes down for a nap? For me, I workout with a program I have for my xbox. As soon as my daughter goes down for her nap I zip right downstairs. While the xbox is loading I pick up her toys and such so I have a nice clear area to work out in and then go for at least 25 minutes. The longer I can go the better.
  • It is hard because the food is always there. I tend to keep some low calorie snacks for me and my daughter to munch on. :) i usually workout at night when my husband gets home because it is hard with the little one crawling on you.
  • Thanks for all the tips and the input! My husband works from 330pm to 430am and sleeps until about 11am so I can't leave and go to the gym till then-i go and I get in 90mins of cardio-i found the dvds not to help me it was easier for me to find something else to do but I love my gym! I took out all the junk in my house 3 weeks ago but I seem to still find a way to get it! I'm fed up with my body and I'm pretty sure we are done having kids so I want my body back! I am glad to have started friending people and then its like they are holding me accountable for my diary that day. Maybe that's all I needed? I also get sick of the same foods over and over which is a huge reason why I tend to cheat! Hopefully this will keep me on better track!
  • shanander
    shanander Posts: 50 Member
    Are you on pinterest? You can find tons of recipes (and blogs) on there. Also and allrecipes are great resources.
  • I find that when I'm out and about, I actually have a harder time staying on track. When I'm at home, I have no problem. Probably because the only food I shouldn't eat that I allow into the house are my son's chicken nuggets, which are actually kinda gross to me. Consequently I am a major homebody now! :)

    Crazy, because I'm the complete opposite!! I do so much better if we are out for the entire day. Probably because I'm also a cheapskate and refuse to buy lunch or snacks for myself. Right now, with it being so cold, I'm struggling because we are home all the time - with sickness going around and it being 20 degrees out, can't do it.

    I have a 3 year old and 18 month old. I'm home with them during the day and then I work 4pm-11pm. I'm so crazy busy and tired that I haven't exercised since July. I've lost a total of 99 lbs, but still have about 10 I would like to lose. I've been at this same weight since August and I'm finally admitting to myself that I'm going to HAVE to workout to lose the last 10. Especially because I have a size 6 bridesmaid's dress to wear in May. (It fits, but a lil snug in the belly).

    Anyway, I admit that my kids eat junk. If I eat part of a pop tart or the rest of their granola bar, I make sure I log EVERYTHING. Sometimes it's only 20 calories, but everything adds up. My daughter no longer naps (BOOOO), so I think I'll try working out today when my son goes down at 1. She can watch a Disney movie or something..
  • fatjavotte
    fatjavotte Posts: 96 Member
    I am quite good at staying on track as far as food is concerned. I have always made very healthy meals for my family (I used to binge on cakes and biscuits when no one was watching).
    However, I cannot find time to exercise. My eldest children are homeschooled and my baby won't sleep for more than 10 minutes if she is not in my arms. My husband works very long hours. I try to do a few wall pushups, squats or planks now and then, but that's all.
  • My problem was snacking when it was nap time. It killed me. And finding a quick dinner after the kids came home (they go to bed at 7, but we start getting ready at 6:30 so it has to be something fast when DH gets home). We ended up with pizza or chicken nuggets or hot dogs on far too many nights. Honestly, I stopped buying it. Well, the snacks anyway. I still keep the freezer with nuggets but they are used far less. I'm buying healthier snacks (as little processing as possible) and sticking to them. If there is junk here I WILL eat it.

    As far as working out, I just do it. Getting out of the house is saving my sanity. I have a friend I meet up with at the gym and we chat before/after our workouts. If I was only doing things at home, I'd get a lot less done. I prefer to go later in the day (usually around 7pm) since I'm not a morning person and it works better with DH and the kids schedules. Sometimes I have to reward myself with a sauna after.... and remind myself how good I'll feel when I'm all warm, clean, and tired after I'm done. That ALWAYS gets me.
  • jehavin
    jehavin Posts: 316 Member
    My secret weapon: eating a huge mid-morning breakfast that fills me up so that I can't even "stomach" the idea of snacking on anything for at least 5-6 hours. I cook 3 or 4 eggs, veggies, some type of protein (at least 30g worth) and put it on a tortilla---about 650 calories and 45g of protein that is guaranteed to satiate and fuel me through any temptations, whether it be at home with the kids craisins, (healthy) snack crackers or cheese cubes sitting around or, like a PP poster said, on a way to a play/lunchdate, I'm all good. In fact, if I find myself drawn toward something, I stop and ask myself if I am *really hungry* (the answer is always no since I've planned ahead,) or if I just need a quick bite to fill an emotional or social need. As long as you know the difference, balancing treats with food for fuel is easy. I eat big and fill the voids (aka "need to chew something NOW!!!" moments) with veggies or berries. I also have an open diary---feel free to add me!