mmut22 Member


  • Just a heads up - Vitafiber products now available thru Amazon. Looking forward to trying them and the Quest recipes Nick has posted at Feeding Fitness.
  • This makes a lot more sense now. And hopefully will help me be more accurate when trying to cook out bulk portions at the beginning of the week. Thanks to all above who helped - I really appreciate it.
  • Thanks for the answers - for this I'm just trying to cook in bulk early in the week and eat with meals - veggies, eggs, etc. Normally I'd just cook it, weigh it out off the nutritional guide on the back and move on. But I feel like that might be inaccurate now and like Spoonyspork said - over-estimating. 4 equal portions…
  • 30-something year old male who has been motivated to do things like buy a kitchen scale, make protein fluff and stay motivated by tracking your progress and the original "So you want a flat stomach" post from @usmcmp‌. Thank you both. I was hoping you'd post your current lifting program or link back to it in this (went…