

  • I've been in the military 10 years now, and on shore duty it's very easy to run to McDonalds, Quizno's etc, etc, etc. Luckily I have an the Navy Exchange right below my job, I tend to stick to fruits and salads as much as possible. At 38 I still think veggies are icky Fruits aren't the best for me, but they're better than…
  • 38 years old and next month will make 10 years in the Navy. 22-May-2012, I parked the car across the street from N-24 Gym at NSN, put out my last cigarette, headed in to work out at CPO 365. About an hour later I was loaded into the ambulance, on my way to the hospital. En route they told me I was having a heart attack.…
  • It's a rough estimate From what I understand, the calories you need to maintain your current weight is your current weight x 10 in calories. For me.... 230 lbs x 10 = 2300 calories will maintain my current weight. 1 lbs is 3500 calories To lose 1 lbs a week I need to cut back 3500 calories or 500 calories a day 2300-500 =…
  • 22-May-2012 at about 5:45 AM I parked the car on base, finished my last cigarette, and went into the Gym to work out. About 45 minutes into the session I just felt like I couldn't go on, but with some encouragement from my friends and peers I muscled through and finished the session. Walked over to a friend from work and…
  • At 38 years old, I am 2 months past 1 heart attack and 1 triple bypass... 1 is enough. Now that I've had to quit smoking, and I'm still in cardiac rehab for another 2 months, losing the extra 50lbs I have on me is part of gettting healthy. Dad died almost 2 years ago, age 57, retired NYPD, 400+ lbs, that's alot of genetics…