Have you tried swimming yet? It might take some courage to show yourself in a swimsuit, but it is one of the best excercises for the whole body where you don't have to put weight on anything. You could also see if there are some aqua aerobic classes in a pool near you.
I'm swiss, but I just moved to the bay area in California
I also just moved to a place where i know nobody so I can understand how you feel. If you can't go outside, try to do some excercise inside. I just started doing pilates to youtube videos ( i started with the poppilates ones). Maybe there is also a gym around that offers daycare, so you could take classes there. That would…
I mostly have some cereal with fruit and three spoonfull of yoghurt. I change the cereal, so it doesn't get boring, right now I have the multrigrain hot cereal ( i don't eat it hot though) from Trader Joe's. I hardly ever eat a salty breakfast, I only have a craving for eggs when I have a hangover.