How do you contol emotional eating?



  • Polly758
    Polly758 Posts: 623 Member
    You may consider journaling-- and not about food. Julia Cameron's book "The writing diet" or even her classic "The artist's way" are both useful tools for figuring out the source of your depression/binging.

    The food isn't the problem, the PROBLEM is the problem...

    I just quit drinking coffee and I have to go back to those books now, I didn't realize how much I was using coffee instead of life/stress management skills ... haha
  • puffidredz
    puffidredz Posts: 119 Member
    You need to address the depression... Emotional Eating is a symptom not the cause....

    i've never emotionally ate from being depressed so i can't comment on what helps, altho there are plenty of enough answers here from people who have/do. but yea address and resolve the cause for depression first, and then everything else should fall in place.
  • You mentioned that you have to wait until you put your children down for a nap or that it is too hot outside. Have you tried one of Leslie Sansone's walk at home dvd's? They are wonderful and can be done right in your house. Also you can try putting on some music and just dancing. It might sound crazy, but it beats the alternative of just putting food in your mouth. I do the same thing. Everytime I walk in the kitchen to get to the laundry room I always grab something. Chips..Jelly beans...So, I am making an effort to not do that. Any movement helps. Even a stationary bike if you have one. Good luck. We are all here for you.
  • McLifterPants
    McLifterPants Posts: 457 Member
    I used to binge almost everyday, and I was also an emotional eater. I'm like you, when I am upset or depressed, all I wanna do is sit around, and eat constantly. Whenever I start feeling upset or like I'm slipping toward binging/emotional eating, even though I don't want to, I make myself get up and exercise. Even if its just a 10 minute walk. It really helps me. Outside works the best for me because I am away from the food. I also think about the quote "The hardest step is out the door" or "the hardest lift is your butt off the couch." They really help motivate me to get up and do something. I hope this helps you :flowerforyou:

    I totally agree with this. Exercise clears my mind. If I'm feeling depressed or angry, I'll put of some fast paced music and jump on the elliptical to burn off the negative energy! I used to be an emotional eater too, but you have to remind yourself that it's just going to make you feel even worse in the long run, because you're sabotaging your healthy goals.
  • BuffyEat2Live
    BuffyEat2Live Posts: 327 Member
    What I need to do when I want to emotionally eat: Distract myself with HOUSEWORK!!!

    i hope that I can do this, because that would solve two problems at once. ;-)
  • MurphysLawTD
    MurphysLawTD Posts: 310 Member
    The last few days I have seriously been battling some major depression. When I get this way all I want to do is sit on my butt, watch tv, and eat everything in the house. I have been trying to avoid even walking in the kitchen because I know I will just stop. Any suggestions on how to battle this?

    I know I sound like the anti-christ in saying this but SO BE IT. Sometimes when I feel like ****, I just WANT to feel like ****, and there's nothing wrong with that!!!

    I wouldn't suggest making this a habit, rather, put your energy into something else preferably a physical activity. Do you belong to a gym? If so, go to a class like zumba or something with motivating music and just go nuts!

    Trust me, I've been there. My classic line was "**** it, I had a bad day...I'm getting pizza." Turned out the food was only a temporary fix. It took a LOOOONG time, but I've substituted the above statement with "I'm going to the gym". And THAT is a long-term fix!

    THE HARDEST PART IS GETTING THERE. And if that's the problem, go out and get some cute outfits to work out in that will make you WANT to work out. Cheesy, I know, but it worked for me. And I find even on my worst days, once I'm actually at the gym and I plan on a "light" 15 min run on the elliptical, I end up killing it and am there for an hour.

    Good'll be awesome.

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,909 Member
    The last few days I have seriously been battling some major depression. When I get this way all I want to do is sit on my butt, watch tv, and eat everything in the house. I have been trying to avoid even walking in the kitchen because I know I will just stop. Any suggestions on how to battle this?
    See a doctor?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    The last few days I have seriously been battling some major depression. When I get this way all I want to do is sit on my butt, watch tv, and eat everything in the house. I have been trying to avoid even walking in the kitchen because I know I will just stop. Any suggestions on how to battle this?
    See a doctor?

    This, too. Don't allow depression to rule your life. Please seek help if you need it!
  • CalJur
    CalJur Posts: 627 Member
    Try to get a handle on the emotional issue. Second stock your home with healthy snacks with the knowledge of what is going on with you so you will reach for them instead of the bad stuff. In general, try limiting the junk food you buy and keep healthy snacks in your home.
  • ladyphoebe
    ladyphoebe Posts: 46 Member
    The last few days I have seriously been battling some major depression. When I get this way all I want to do is sit on my butt, watch tv, and eat everything in the house. I have been trying to avoid even walking in the kitchen because I know I will just stop. Any suggestions on how to battle this?
    See a doctor?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    I actually have. I am only 7 weeks postpardum so they are monitoring me for PPD. A big part of the problem is that my husband decided to go back to school to get his Master's degree which required me packing up my entire life and moving 2 states away from my family and what I have always known. I am now stuck in a place where I know no one with 2 small children and a husband who is too busy working and going to school to really be of any help. I know that in the long run this will be a good thing for my family but right now I am having a hard time coping. I find that eating is easier than sitting and crying because when I cry it upsets my 2 year old.
  • allywood90
    allywood90 Posts: 6 Member
    I cannot have any "junk food" in my house, period. If you only buy lean proteins, fruits, veggies, and whole grains, and you eat small meals throughout the day, you will be much less likely to binge. If I buy something "bad" as a treat, I will take one serving, and immediately put the box or bag back into the pantry. If I notice that I cannot control myself with something, I will not buy it again. I also threw away all of the takeout menus, to avoid splurging on pizza, and my other enemies. Try practicing yoga, when you are feeling emotional. It will lift your mood entirely.
  • lizzybethclaire
    lizzybethclaire Posts: 849 Member
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    I have found a solution. Vegetables. Sometimes I eat a whole head of cauliflower mashed with a tiny bit of butter and lots of herbs. Other times, I munch on marinated cabbage. A whole head of steamed broccoli. Because sometimes I want to plop in front of the tv and eat mindlessly. I just make better choices about what I eat.
  • flyingwrite
    flyingwrite Posts: 264
    Yoga. Yoga completely saved my emotional life. I used to stress eat, emotional eat, boredom eat, the whole list. Now, I just do Yoga. It doesn't have to be intense; it can be a 20 minute stress-relieving DVD. Learn how to breathe. It will help SO much.
  • IsleEsme
    IsleEsme Posts: 175 Member
    The last few days I have seriously been battling some major depression. When I get this way all I want to do is sit on my butt, watch tv, and eat everything in the house. I have been trying to avoid even walking in the kitchen because I know I will just stop. Any suggestions on how to battle this?

    Exercise is the cure all. Especially for depression which leads to overeating. Right there with you sister! If I get depressed I eat. If I go to the gym I don't get depressed. It's a win win :)
  • JuneyJo
    JuneyJo Posts: 182 Member
    The last few days I have seriously been battling some major depression. When I get this way all I want to do is sit on my butt, watch tv, and eat everything in the house. I have been trying to avoid even walking in the kitchen because I know I will just stop. Any suggestions on how to battle this?

    I posted on my status that I'm struggling and what I want to eat/drink and my awesome friends piled on with words of encouragement and advice. Honestly, THAT's the best solution I've had. So you took a step in the right direction by posting here. Know that you're stronger than the cravings and better than the struggles. You can beat it!!!
  • Melancholic
    Melancholic Posts: 5 Member
    You need to address the depression... Emotional Eating is a symptom not the cause....

    ^ Yes. My eating has been absolutely all over the place with my moods (I'm diagnosed Bipolar Type I depression).

    I think that I'm finally on the right medication to stop myself from binging and regain my control (I was on something awful until recently...). I've been through a great deal of group therapy as well, which was helpful from a different angle. All of it takes time.
  • Trindli
    Trindli Posts: 4
    I also just moved to a place where i know nobody so I can understand how you feel.

    If you can't go outside, try to do some excercise inside. I just started doing pilates to youtube videos ( i started with the poppilates ones). Maybe there is also a gym around that offers daycare, so you could take classes there. That would also be an opportunity to maybe meet new people.

    Another thing I do when I feel the urge to eat, is drinking a fruit tea. It helps me better. Than water and my sweet tooth is satisfied.
  • atsteele
    atsteele Posts: 1,358 Member
    The last few days I have seriously been battling some major depression. When I get this way all I want to do is sit on my butt, watch tv, and eat everything in the house. I have been trying to avoid even walking in the kitchen because I know I will just stop. Any suggestions on how to battle this?
    See a doctor?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    I actually have. I am only 7 weeks postpardum so they are monitoring me for PPD. A big part of the problem is that my husband decided to go back to school to get his Master's degree which required me packing up my entire life and moving 2 states away from my family and what I have always known. I am now stuck in a place where I know no one with 2 small children and a husband who is too busy working and going to school to really be of any help. I know that in the long run this will be a good thing for my family but right now I am having a hard time coping. I find that eating is easier than sitting and crying because when I cry it upsets my 2 year old.

    Good for you!! re seeing a MD... That's a good start. Get out of the house. Go for a walk with the kids. Make a daily schedule for you to have balance, time with the kids and down time. If they don't nap, then at least have a down time for them. You can't exercise your way out of depression but it helps. It also helps to have a support system so, if you can, find other moms in the neighborhood that you might hook up for playdates and coffee (and maybe even trade on and off with watching kids so you can have some time to yourself). And stay out of the kitchen! Good luck with that (especially since you have kids)!! LOL Planning your meals helps but don't beat yourself up if you don't stay on track all the time or are having a particularly difficult time. Just get back on the horse. That's the key really. And good luck!
  • sydnisd183
    sydnisd183 Posts: 247 Member
    I actually have. I am only 7 weeks postpardum so they are monitoring me for PPD. A big part of the problem is that my husband decided to go back to school to get his Master's degree which required me packing up my entire life and moving 2 states away from my family and what I have always known. I am now stuck in a place where I know no one with 2 small children and a husband who is too busy working and going to school to really be of any help. I know that in the long run this will be a good thing for my family but right now I am having a hard time coping. I find that eating is easier than sitting and crying because when I cry it upsets my 2 year old.

    this is probably a major contributor. Packing up an entire life and moving it has got to be stressful, let alone being majorly responsible for 2 little ones and making sure they're ok in the process. And with a husband that is buried amongst his books and not much of a help at this time (no offense against hubby LOL), may be the icing on the cake. If it were me, i'd be eating too, because at least the foods would be "comforting" me.

    Is there a park nearby where all the mommies bring their kids, maybe you could meet some people there. Or if funds allow, a gym membership would get you out and among the grown ups. Surely hubby could spare 90-120 minutes to let you have SOME time to recharge.

    I hope it works out for you. I just stopped an emotional eating binge that lasted almost 18 months because I was in a relationship I didn't want to be in, but I could not get myself to end it for anything. I finally took action and ended it and I feel better than I have in years. Good luck missy!!!

    edit: or see if you can get one of those strollers that runners use. I see these at the park I run at all the time and some of them are built for 2 kids. Then start a walk/run program, supplement with dvd's of home workouts and voila!! :flowerforyou: