

  • Hey Everyone Sorry I have been MIA. I had a terrible bout of food poisoning on Friday. I have never been so sick in all my life. I am feeling a LOT better now thankfully however my appetite is gone and I have to force myself to eat which is new for me! I had been on track with calories all last week until Friday and have…
  • Hey everyone Time to haul my lazy *kitten* back on the wagon. I have completely slacked off the last few weeks. Eating out too often, too many sneaky drinks and not nearly enough exercise. My lovely boyfriend spoils me too much with nice meals out and I have no will power to resist. We had Chinese New Year holiday here for…
  • Hey guys Sorry I have been quiet lately. I have just been super busy. I haven't been doing that brilliantly. I haven't been eating badly but haven't been traking my calories or eating at a deficit, I'm just maintaining. Need to pump up the exercise again but this week is crazy as well and I am going to Hong Kong for the…
  • :laugh: We already have a team called No More Excuses! You are welcome to join us Or maybe we can do some team competitiions against your team once it gets going :wink:
  • This is perfect! I am starting Week 6 of Couch 2 5 Km today and was just thinking I need to add something else in as well. I'm going to do the test for the pushups and situps challenge tonight. I'll check in with you guys after!
  • I use the Alex Stankovic one, I am sure there are others but this one works well for me. Search by C25K in the App store. It's not a free one but it's only a few dollars and totally worth it. I find it so motivating to choose my own music.
  • Depends what music you like - I started out with Robert Ullreys but it's not really my style. Nicole Blum has a good mix of hip-hop music with a few random ones thrown in (can't remember the address sorry but I'm sure if you google it she will pop up). If you have an ipod/iphone you can download an app which lets you play…
  • :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: MFP censorship!!!
  • Hey everyone! Sounds like you are all having great weeks! I can't relate to the marching band members (i was a rebel guitarist) but I LOVE to read as well. It is hard here though as there are not many English Language books to be found and they are really expensive. I do read some books online - the free ones are generally…
  • Yay! I'm back on track! Did W5D1 of Couch to 5 km tonight and it was great!!! I was scared I would have lost all my fitness and have to go back another week but I was fine. I did go a bit slower than normal but felt awesome. THEN I did 20 minutes on the bike to get to 500cals burned! woohoo!
  • Good ideas Jack! Amanda - I had another thought - do you know the speed ball thing? They do it in a lot of tae bo/martial arts based classes. Basically hold your arms above your head and pretend to hit a speed ball? That's gotta burn a heap of calories as it KILLS! So maybe you could add that in to your routine? Do sets of…
  • Hey guys So. I have to admit, the last 3 weeks I have not been good. I know I was on holiday and sick etc but the name of our group is No More Excuses and I should be sticking to that! I have been eating pretty healthily (to be honest unhealthy food just does NOT appeal to me anymore) but I haven't been watching my portion…
  • Yay another Kiwi!!! Kia ora! I am actually living and working in Shenzhen, China at the moment but grew up in Auckland. Just went home for the holidays and boy was the weather gorgeous!
  • Hey everyone How are your weeks going? Mine has been pretty slow. I think I am feeling better but still keep just crashing out exhausted on the couch every night - I can't figure out if I am still recovering or just being lazy now! Team sports night tommorrow so I am going to play some basketball and hopefully that will…
  • Hey Everyone. So, I think I overestimated my recovery a little. I had to have a nap at lunchtime to get through work yesterday and fell asleep on the couch straight after dinner. No running for me but at least I stayed in cals. I'm gonna try for an easy Pilates session tonight instead. I am no good at being sick but I…
  • I'm still in the group!! Just a little absent lately but I still luv you guys! I really like the idea of your challenge Amanda but I am not sure I am up for it this week. I am going to try a run tonight and see how I go. My personal challenge this week is to complete 3 runs and 2 Pilates sessions. Amy PS Happy Anniversary…
  • Hey everyone I am stuck at home with the flu and not happy at all. :sick: I doubt I'll be running this weekend as I can't even walk a few metres without wheezing. I guess I caught it on the plane. I don't have much of an appetite so am just going to try and stay hydrated and warm. I am so annoyed with my body - I never get…
  • Hey Everyone, I'm BACK! Sorry for the long absence but I was super busy with my friends and family over the holidays. I had an amazing time and I am so please I decided to go in the end. I know I ate too much but it was all pretty healthy stuff (except the cheese which I totally blissed out on) and I was doing heaps of…
  • Thanks Tam. I am not sure if it is the running or maybe because I was getting sick last week so had less of an appetite . . . also my scales are not all that accurate so don't show half a kg but do a whole one so some of that might be the week before. Either way I am taking it! I have noticed the running is making a big…
  • Hey everyone Sorry I forgot to report in - i actually lost 2 kgs this week! which is 4.4 pounds. I only have 3 kgs (6.6pds) to go to get back into my healthy weight range yeah! I have been laid up sick all weekend unfortunately. I hate being sick and even more so in a foreign country. I am now on antibiotics which make me…
  • Hey folks. It's Friday yaaaaaaaaaaaaay! (for me anyway, you guys will get here soon :laugh: ). It has been such a long week I am so glad it's over! I have a fun weekend coming up as well - my chinese friend has invited me to his parents house to learn how to make traditional dumplings on Saturday which will be fun. I will…
  • You can do it Tam! I kept tricking myself and saying 'oh just do another 2 minutes and then you can stop" and then another 2 and another 2 until I got to the end. Plus I really wanted to be able to come on here and tell you guys I did it :laugh: And as you say, you can always stop and walk if you need to, absolutely…
  • just a quick note to say I DID IT!!! 20 mins non stop!!! Yay me! I have never ever been a runner - even when I was 17 and playing basketball, netball and soccer every week I still couldn't run. So this is the longest ever and I am stoked! :bigsmile: Hope you all have a great day!
  • Hey everyone Well the temperature has dropped after a mild couple of weeks and it is 10degrees (celcius) today Brrrrr! Ok, I know you guys probably don't think that's cold but I am a warm weather creature at heart and I don't do the cold well at all :laugh: good thing it's only 9 sleeps till I get home to summer! One other…
  • Tam - we lost you oops! We are all over on Week 6 thread - hmm I am not sure how to paste the link sorry but if you search No More Excuses - Week 6 you should find us. See you there :smile:
  • Hey everyone Well, I just finished Day 2 Week 5 of C25K. I was really nervous as you have to jog for 8mins, walk for 5 then run for 8 again. But I DID IT! I even did another couple of minutes running at the end to get up to 300 cals burnt (hmph, I swear it feels like I burn 1000 but machine says 300). I complained a while…
  • :laugh: well, they probably do have rules like that in theory - but in China (where I live at the moment) it seems that laws in general are merely a guideline and definitely don't apply to people that can flash the cash! I can't even complain as I don't speak the language well enough. My friend did write me a note in…
  • Yvonneh I feel your pain! When I first started out I lost about 4kg pretty quickly - I didn't have scale so wasn't really keeping track. As soon as I bought a scale I was like "wooohoo 4kg!" and then since then it has hardly moved at all! Grrr. I have however noticed a lot more definition - you can almost see my abs now!…
  • Hey everyone Hope your all enjoying your Fridays. I am so glad it is the weekend! I am feeling good tonight after doing my run and having a great dinner (broccoli and tofu stir fry with lots of chilli mmmm). I don't expect to see any loss this week really but I am back on track tonight and have lots of exercise planned…
  • Thanks for thinking of me Tam! TBH I have been lying a little low as I have been having not such a good week. Not disastrous but I do need to get back on track. I definitely did not earn the new dress this week so that is going to be next weeks goal for me. I finished week 4 on Tuesday and was supposed to start week 5…