

  • Tomorrow's the big day a New Year for all of us to chase our dreams and make them come true. I’ve always yearned to love the body I was born in and not feel so helpless against overeating and the weight gain roller coaster... I need to join this group for support and motivation to make a change for the better. While I know…
  • Hi Eric, Nice post! Thank you for posting this and I hope you stay on track just like I hope the same for me. I think support and motivation are key to success and of course consistency. For instance i'll start a diet or hit the gym for like two to three weeks and than stop or go back to my lazy ways. What motivates you to…
  • :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: WOW! I'm so inspired by your story and hope that my journey can be a succes like yours. My name is Cristina Smith and I'm 30 years old. I have also struggled with my weight the majority of my life and seem to have so many mental obstacles to overcome in order to make this work. Your story…