Hello all of you slackers... ;)

LOL just kidding. Hello to all of you dedicated people who are taking the initiative to get in shape! I am 39 and turning 40 in September... My goal is to burn the stubborn belly fat and slight handles while growing my legs, arms, shoulders, back, traps, chest etc! haha... not too much to ask... 3 years ago I followed Tom Venuto's Burn the Fat \ Feed the Muscle program and it worked well... I had 21% BF and I dropped to 15%. For the past two years I have been riding the roller coaster. I never let myself hit rock bottom which is good and I often find myself hitting the reset button. One of my goals this year is to be more consistent... I average 3 days in the gym per week and I have done 100 pushups everyday for the past 2.5 years.

Anyway, I just wanted to say hello and wish all of you the best in 2014. Goodluck with your goals and goodluck looking awesome on the beach this year. :)



  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    Pfft, Game Stop all the way :drinker:
  • AmberJewelCR
    Oh... so this isn't for the slackers? *hangs head and heads for door*
  • Jenni129
    Jenni129 Posts: 692 Member
    wtg on 1st post
  • wendylusk
    wendylusk Posts: 2 Member
    Good morning Erik!
    I am Wendy....
    I understand the rollercoaster for sure. I have a few stubborn area as well and have made a goal to focus on them before spring while toning my arms, chest, back and legs.
    I just recently joined MyFitnessPal and was really good about using it, but slacked off ---- so your "Hello all of you slackers..." really was to me :-) so I justed wanted to intoduce myselft and say THANK YOU for the wake up call.
    Have a fantastic New Year.
  • Gavinsmommy28
    Hi Eric,

    Nice post! Thank you for posting this and I hope you stay on track just like I hope the same for me. I think support and motivation are key to success and of course consistency. For instance i'll start a diet or hit the gym for like two to three weeks and than stop or go back to my lazy ways. What motivates you to keep going? what are your triggers and how do you resist temptation's? Thank you! Happy New Year and lets rock this !


    Tina Smith
  • ErikTee
    ErikTee Posts: 11 Member
    Hi Wendy and Tina,

    "What motivates you to keep going?"

    Competition - Perhaps this is a man thing I don't know... A few friends of mine that I grew up with have a friendly competition that motivates us all to keep in shape. We txt constantly about our success and failures... We keep each other motivated. Another thing is looking better than other people at the beach, at the ball park, at the school yard, at the work summer party, at the neighborhood pool, running in public, at the golf course etc... All of these things motivate me to keep going.

    what are your triggers and how do you resist temptation's?

    -Temptation for me is beaten with 21 consecutive days of clean eating and training. Once I have 21 under my belt I am coasting. If I give in to temptation at that point I genuinely feel like I have let myself down and ruined the work already put in.

    One of my biggest hurdles is alcohol. I usually go on and off the wagon throughout the year. 3 months, 6 months whatever... The drinking itself is bad enough because I love beer but the bad eating that goes along with drinking, the day of or the day after, really take a toll on my body composition. So my best results usually come while giving up alcohol for awhile.

    Invest in yourself and don't give up.
