

  • Lmao ^ Brill
  • If he can do it then theres no excuses for us!
  • ^ This, perfect to wear with skinnies!
  • Only you can motivate yourself, I am the same but something in my head just 'swtiches' and suddenyl im in the zone and strict and disciplined. Right now I'm not in that place but I've got to force myself to get to that place. Don't worry about going to the gym alone, probably most of the people at the gym are alone! I used…
  • I haven't had any rewards as such but I think I might start as its a fab idea and will definately motivate me! Lose 10lbs - Treat myself to some new clothes Lose 20lbs - Tattoo of my daughters name :) Lose 30lbs - Maybe a holiday just to prove I can wear a bikini again!
  • It sounds as though he jealous, and putting you down makes him feel better! Try telling him hes a '2 with room for improvement' :)
  • Sounds like me! I just can't keep right at the weekend! From now on I WILL log everything I eat, I suspect this will shock me into getting it right! Just think of the hard work you done to get that 1.8 off, its so easy to put back on! Stick ridgidly to it over the weekend!
  • Omg it's like someone else telling my story. I was healthy throughout my pregnancy, even going to the gym until about 6months pregnant. I put weight on AFTER i had my daughter, it was through eating takeaways- she fed every 2 hours so we didn't find time to cook, it was also the winter so we didn't get out much. I just…
  • I also have stretch marks, they never bothered me until I got more after I had my daughter! I'm not really one to care what people think, you're not the only one with stretch marks so flaunt your new body that you worked hard for, you earned your 'stripes'!!
  • Take it from us, we can see the difference. You're face is more defined, as well as your arms and legs and stomach. You look fab. Do you feel any better for it? We all see our own imperfections that no one else does!
  • Being weighed after having my daughter, and the constant reminder; old photos :( definately motivate me to get back to what I was. It kills me to think I've let myself go without even noticing :( Typing this also makes it hit home that things need to change.
  • I agree with what people are saying on here, I think toning up would help more than trying to lose weight, looking toned is better than looking skinny. 128 was the weight I was when I started the gym thinking I was overweight, add on 2 years and 20lbs and I'm back there!
  • I was in the same situation when I first had my daughter, we ate take aways as it was convient and easy as she was wanting fed every 2 hours. I would say, get out with the pram/buggy/kids and find somewhere to walk, park, shops, walk to family or friends houses. While doing this your burning calories and also not eating! I…
  • That's great that you've set it in your head now! If anything it should spur you on to prove her wrong. I just need something to click in my head to get my backside back in gear x
  • Hi! I feel your pain, I work full time and have a 19month old. I walk in the door, my partner walks out. Most of the time I can't get a good gym session in but I do what I can, try and get in an insanity workout when shes in bed, walk or jog in my dinner time at work, take my daughter out, walking, park anything active. I…
  • I;m in, you can kick my *kitten* too I need some motivation!
  • I'm in! SW 157 GW 152 Goal: Eat better at weekends and eventually get out of the 150's rut! Good luck everyone! Ps What are the weigh in dates? x
  • I'm in! First challenge so be gentle :) hoping this motivates me x
  • Sounds like a great idea! I have old photos on my phone (what I would like to get back to) but if I can't see them then they're not really motivating me! Definately a good idea.
  • I agree with some others, try not to have them in the house at all and then temptation won't arise! If (like me) you have certains things in the house for others, ie kids, then weigh it out and log it. The numbers should do it!
  • I would personally say in the morning is best. Apparently you burn more throughout the day when you've done a workout in the morning. The one thing that's stuck in my mind is what my boyfriend told me; I always told him off for going to the gym on an empty stomach but he is told by his trainers that when you workout on an…
  • To be honest I think you're setting a brilliant example to her and can only encourage her to be fit and healthy!
  • I worked out quite hard during my first 6 months of pregnancy, on the treadmill bump and all! I would say take it very very easy, walking, lifting lighter weights, swimming etc. If you've not worked out during your successful pregnancies then definately stick to that at least you know it works. And good luck with number 5…
  • This probably won't help at all but at my gym they use an American system call Fitlinxx, I have a number that I log onto every machine and it counts calories, heart rate, work out time, everything. This goes onto a website that create tables and also counts food (if you input it) I tend to carry the calories burned over to…
  • I'm in the same boat as you, I work full time, have an 19 month old daughter and my partner is out most nights, when I walk in the door, he walks out... so when do I fit it in? Well some mornings I get up and go to the gym before I start work at 8, even if it's for 45mins. After work, once little one is in bed and hubby's…
  • I know exactly how you feel! Currently in one! Stuck in a rut, and have been for weeks if not months. I want to lose the weight but there is nothing spurring me on. I can be strict and disciplined when my head is in it. Come back motivation :(
  • I done the same thing over the christmas holiday and gained 2lbs, I was actually suprised it wasn't more to be honest! It took me a week to get them back off but I'm back on the wagon.. Weight yourself so you know where to start and just dust yourself off and get back on it! x
  • Took your advice and changed it to lightly active, my calories are still at 1200 but think I'll do as you say and try and consume closer to 1400 and see how I go. Just so many conflicting messages, stick to your calories, eat your TDEE ... I guess I just have to find what works for me. Created by -…
  • Hi now_or_never, I set my activity as sedentary because I sit at a desk most of the day but I'm also a mam of a very active nearly 1 yo. I did originally have it at lightly active but the calorie goal didn't actually change. I set it to 2lb as I am capable of losing weight quite fast (up until now) and also I work with…
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