trkilpatrick Member


  • The healthy way to lose weight is to give your body what it needs to survive and use the nutrients to your advantage. I recommend using this site to find your TDEE and go from there.: I did yours based on the numbers you listed and with a low amount of activity, and it says…
  • YES!!! i went through the typical phases on here but i think i got through them a little more quickly than others. I started out netting 1200ish for a few weeks and of course the first week or so i lost a little, maybe 3 or 4 pounds, mostly water i'm sure. And then i stopped losing for about 2 weeks!!! Then i figured out…
  • I am no expert on the subject but in my experience i feel like i have more energy throughout the day if i workout in the morning. When i started working out in the mornings i no longer had the need for a caffeine boost that i had needed desperately every morning before.
  • Don't know if this is available but if you like shrimp, avocado, and tomato, a shrimp cocktail is one of my favorite meals and it won't kill ya too bad on the calories, you might want to look it up on the database first to see how much you want to eat... Enjoy!
  • AGREED!!! Have a cupcake once in a while LOG IT and then continue on in your healthy ways! you did not gain weight by eating one cupcake, it was many decisions over time. Vice versa will be the same...
  • That is AWESOME!!! Don't be discouraged for just losing 4 pounds, i am finishing up a month of RI30 and i have lost about the same but i can really see some nice muscle definition!! I am sure you built up your muscles pretty good considering your measurement comparison; i am not sure how anyone wouldn't build muscle doing…
  • I am still a newbie at this as well so hopefully i am not giving you bad or confusing info. One of the big long instructions about TDEE suggested eating at TDEE minus 20% if you are trying to lose weight--so yours is 2463 so your calories in would need to be about 1970. The calculator that i used took my weekly exercise…
  • I went directly into RI30 from 30 DS and yes, L2 and up is more difficult in my opinion. I am on my last day of L3 and i am a little scared of L4 but i am going to give it a go... I don't think i burn as many calories doing the RI30 because it seems like there is more resistance work as opposed to all the jumping and…
  • That just means that you are doing it right. Some things that might help--yes, do stretches all over, drink lots of water, and most of all stick with it!!! The next times that you get sore, it won't last as long. You're doing great, keep it up!!!!
  • The state fair is in town and my only reason for going to the fair is the FOOD!!! I went Saturday and had my traditional turkey leg, corn on the cob (with butter), gumbo, corn dog and the best part- a giant cinnamon roll with cream cheese frosting. I did do about 5 hours of walking at a leisurely pace so that helped and…
  • Google has been my friend since starting here. Here are a few i have come across: NSV=Non-Scale Victory, such as clothes fitting without things poking out oddly, being able to wave without waving x2 (with the wings), finding old clothes and they fit nicely or loosely, etc. 30DS=30 Day Shred: workout by Jillian Michaels who…
  • I have just recently gotten a pair of New Balance runners and they are GREAT!!! I can already tell a difference in the amount of support as compared to also recently purchased Nikes and Pumas (both runners). They almost feel like i am not wearing any shoes because they are so light. Good luck!
  • My guess would be that to lose that much weight, they probably had to put on quite a bit of muscle in the process. I have seen many comparisons between people who lift weights and those who don't. the ones who lift weights have quite a bit more muscle than those who don't but will weigh more with less volume. I hope that…
  • I started MFP about a month ago and at the same time started 30DS with 10 days of each level moving up. Tomorrow will be day 30 of the whole kit and kaboodle. I have been also doing about 20 minutes on my elliptical on most evenings since i started and a 15 minute leisurely walk most days. I have lost a few inches and…
  • KEEP ON TRUCKING!!! i have recently heard the phrase: "It doesn't get easier, you just get better" and you will if you keep at it. the soreness will subside and actually when you start a new workout, like on the next levels, the soreness doesn't last as long. Good Luck! You can do it!!!
  • I think some of it depends on the amount of weight lost but i have always heard that it is essential to incorporate weight lifting to your exercise routine to avoid the loose skin (AKA bat wings)
  • I have been doing the 30DS in the mornings and getting on my elliptical in the evenings after work. It gives me enough time to recover from the feeling that my arms are made of rubber :happy:
  • I am certainly not an expert but when i started to work out again, i retained water so i gained a pound or two but also, you may not see losses right away because you should be putting on muscle. I don't think that you would gain a whole lot. probably about as much as you fluctuate over several days anyway.
  • Right after I started working out again, i started mine about a week early, but at the time it was extremely convenient b/c i was going to the lake with my in-laws when i was actually supposed to start. I have since gotten on birth control and now it is all out of control so i am not a very good guage but i did read that…
  • You might try searching "fat burning yoga" or "yoga for weight loss." i haven't looked on youtube but hulu has some yoga programs that are classified as such. Pretty much you do the poses but faster. I found that i didn't burn near the calories doing that as compared with well, pretty much anything else. BUT it helps a ton…
  • I bought an HRM shortly after i got into MFP specifically for the 30DS. At about 180, it reads that i burn about 250 calories. I do start the timer as soon as i start the warmup and continue through the last stretch at the end so i log it as 27 minutes. ETA: also, i log it as circuit training, general
  • i have done the 30DS in the past but not in the way that i have seen people doing it on here. Before, it took me weeks before i could even move on to the next level. This time i tried it with doing 10 days of each level and then moving on up to the next. I am on day 20 and since i started, i have lost 5 pounds. When i…
  • I have found that exercise helps with the cramping and other issues. Also, I found an article (couldn't tell you where) that discusses the craving for chocolate (esp with that time o the month) being a lack of magnesium. I was taking a magnesium supplement for a couple of months but i found that almonds are a really good…
  • I am certainly no expert (i am still a newbie here) but i would first suggest getting a heart rate monitor. The numbers given on MFP for calories burned tend to be a little inflated (in my case). I have found since i bought mine that cardio work gets your heart rate up more thus burning more calories in the time period but…
  • That is FANTASTIC!!! I am halfway through level 2 of 30DS and i am hoping that i will have some recognizable results like you have. You can really tell a difference! Great job!!! :drinker:
  • I bought a pair of new shoes, a heart rate monitor, and downloaded JM's 30DS to my Kindle Fire :happy: Still want to get a kitchen scale though
  • When i can wipe a gallon of sweat from my forehead onto my hubby's upper arm, mostly out of revenge for him doing the same to me :tongue:
  • Welcome!! I found some pretty good workouts on Cox On Demand in the Free Zone a while back ago, assuming they still have this feature. They had a variety of different types of workouts but they changed them out every once in a while so i ended up purchasing the DVD for a few of them. It was nice because i could try them…
  • I found an article (couldn't tell you where) that dealt with this. It did say that if you are craving chocolate, you have a magnesium deficiency. It also lists irritability (esp. with PMS) and insomnia as symptoms as well as a pretty long list of other issues. Before i started on MFP, i was taking a magnesium supplement…
  • Just being tired every single day when i get out of bed and go to work. I got to the point where i HAD to have a coke zero just to function (yeah, couldn't have the calories from a real coke :huh: I have only been working out again for about a week and i haven't needed a dose of caffeine since. woo a hoo