35Janet Member


  • Friend Request Sent! If you've lost weight once, you can definitely do it again : )
  • I agree with JessieMay, 70 dollars will get you through a week. Last week, I spent 67 dollars for food that will last me two weeks. Then again, I only cook for myself. Protein powder and vitamins are the most expensive purchases.
  • I don't have a set time for exercise, I usually just plan it according to my work schedule. Although I'm not a morning person, I like to work out at the beginning of the day so that I don't have to worry about fitting it in later on. If you want to exercise in the morning but begin to lose motivation once you wake up, you…
  • Friend Request Sent. Good luck on your weight loss, and I'm here for support when you need it. : )
  • I use hemp hearts about three times a week, but I've only tried it in smoothies. I wasn't even aware it's supposed to suppress your appetite, but when I think about it, it didn't seem to effect my appetite at all. Then again, maybe I'm not eating enough of them. How much do you put in your smoothie?
  • Hmm... I can't think of many snacks that have fruit in them, but here are some other suggestions: kale chips peanut butter on toast w/ fruit on top dried fruit rice cakes trial mix any fruit with nuts dry roasted edamame