Vegan/Vegos-weekly cost

Im very very VERY interested in going vegan, organically locally grown vegan-I am very scientifically aware of vitamin and mineral replacements and know how to substitute very well HOWEVER I just wanted to ask all of you legendary vegans and/or vegos how much money you spend weekly on your food. I have a massive fear of enormous expenditure on greens fruits and nuts. Should I have a fear? My budget it 70 dollars a week.



  • JessieMay90
    JessieMay90 Posts: 9 Member
    I think 70 dollars is totally doable. I probably spend about that every other week and then like 50 the in between weeks. I can get it down to 20 if I need to. Vitamins are expensive but they last a long time.
  • 35Janet
    35Janet Posts: 6 Member
    I agree with JessieMay, 70 dollars will get you through a week. Last week, I spent 67 dollars for food that will last me two weeks. Then again, I only cook for myself. Protein powder and vitamins are the most expensive purchases.
  • Thanks girls! X
  • Lina4Lina
    Lina4Lina Posts: 712 Member
    Although our budget is slightly higher, my husband and I could eat easily on $70/week. I think she changed it but there used to be a lady with a blog who lived on $100/month for her and her son. I've known others with similar budgets ($100/month or less)
  • carriempls
    carriempls Posts: 326 Member
    $70 a week is totally do-able.

    I don't supplement with vitamins or protein powders, though. I just ensure I get what I need from what I'm eating.
  • madivp
    madivp Posts: 112 Member
    I have only been vegan for a month. My husband eats meat, so I have to cook it for him. He was on me about vegan food was going to cost to much. Well my food is alot cheaper then his. Our food bill has gone down alot.