smac8246 Member


  • during pregnancy, for someone your weight, you should gain about 20 to 35 pounds. when you have been struggling with weight it will make it harder mentally to gain weight, but you should eat about 300 more calories, but really what you should focus on is getting the right nutrition, babies need a lot of vitamins and…
  • I love this website, it really keeps me on track and motivated. I have been slacking this week because of the flu, but let me tell you, once i feel better i will be right back at it. You'll love it here, and good luck on your journey to a healthy lifestyle it truly is the best feeling.
  • a lot of eating disorders come with body issues or other issues of a person. Trying not to eat is not healthy, even why your trying to loose only a few pounds, if you feel you may have an eating disorder, you should really talk to your doctor, they can help plan a treatment for you, to help you.