i'm at goal weight and 6 weeks preggars :)

sixtyinchesoffury Posts: 321 Member
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
so i've been using this site for quite a while. it has totally changed the way i look at food, the way i eat and the way i view health.

my question is.....how do i adjust my calories for my pregnancy???

i'm happy with my weight now and want to keep the gaining during pregnancy resonable and healthy for baby and me.

i'm on maintenance right now. does anyone have suggestions for the best way to go about it???

thanks :)


  • bhb301
    bhb301 Posts: 338 Member
    I think maintance would be fine, but I would tell your dr next time what cals limit you are at and see what he/she thinks
  • jennywrens
    jennywrens Posts: 208
    As far as I can remember you wont need to add any extra calories until the third trimester - and then its an additional 300. But speak to your midwife!

    Congratulations though, on both goal weight and baby ..... sooooo exciting!
  • fcrisswell
    fcrisswell Posts: 234 Member
    Recomendations are to eat 300 calories per day more than you would normally to maintain healthy pregnancy.
  • lynnmarie60
    lynnmarie60 Posts: 325
    You should consult with your doctor but I have read that while pregnant; your calorie intake should be at least 500 more a day consisting of good nutrients.
  • Lovinryry21
    Lovinryry21 Posts: 27
    Recomendations are to eat 300 calories per day more than you would normally to maintain healthy pregnancy.

    yep totally agree
  • gonnareachmygoal
    gonnareachmygoal Posts: 14 Member
    I used babyfit.com when I was pregnant. Their calorie calculations are based on the fact that you are growing a new life. Plus, you can track your calcium and all other good things that pregnant women need to make sure they have!

  • sarabellum
    sarabellum Posts: 88 Member
    I agree, you don't need to change your cals, just ensure that you keep eating healthy and that you eat when your hungry.
    Always tell your doctor EVERYTHING, they'll be able to tell you for sure how many calories you should be eating, but when I was pregnant with my son, my doctor said not to change anything, I didn't have to eat more (MAYBE an extra 100-200 calories a day at the most) and staying active and keeping your body moving will make your pregnancy all the more wonderful!!!
    Such exciting news :)
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    so i've been using this site for quite a while. it has totally changed the way i look at food, the way i eat and the way i view health.

    my question is.....how do i adjust my calories for my pregnancy???

    i'm happy with my weight now and want to keep the gaining during pregnancy resonable and healthy for baby and me.

    i'm on maintenance right now. does anyone have suggestions for the best way to go about it???

    thanks :)

    Add 300 cals above maintenance, I beleive this is only required in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters though. Congrats on the pregnancy
  • allisoncook87
    allisoncook87 Posts: 160 Member
    Find your calories for maintaining your weight and add 100. Always remember you're eating for you not for 2 that's a myth ;)
  • smac8246
    smac8246 Posts: 8 Member
    during pregnancy, for someone your weight, you should gain about 20 to 35 pounds. when you have been struggling with weight it will make it harder mentally to gain weight, but you should eat about 300 more calories, but really what you should focus on is getting the right nutrition, babies need a lot of vitamins and minerals so make sure your taking your prenatals, and that your getting all the nutrition you need. consult with your doctor, to see if you are low in any areas of nutrition, and what you might need to increase or decrease on.

    I'm an nursing student, focusing on becoming a midwife. :-)
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I agree, you don't need to change your cals, just ensure that you keep eating healthy and that you eat when your hungry.
    Always tell your doctor EVERYTHING, they'll be able to tell you for sure how many calories you should be eating, but when I was pregnant with my son, my doctor said not to change anything, I didn't have to eat more (MAYBE an extra 100-200 calories a day at the most) and staying active and keeping your body moving will make your pregnancy all the more wonderful!!!
    Such exciting news :)

    Yep, my doctor told me the same thing..........He said not to change anything, that is how women gain so much weight by thinking they have to add calories.

    Just make sure your eating nutrient dense foods.
  • sixtyinchesoffury
    sixtyinchesoffury Posts: 321 Member
    thank you all so much!!!! my last pregnancy (9 years ago) i gained about 45 pounds which is waaaaaayyyyyy too much for a 5'

    chic like me. i'm hellbent on doing this the right way for me and my baby!!!!

    great info as usual :)
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