

  • Wow! Such progress in a short time! Truly remarkable! You look like a completely different person. Congratulations on all the hard work and triumph. Keep it going!
  • Wow, wow and wow! Those pictures are so helpful in truly celebrating what you have accomplished. You have taken charge of your health, your body and your soul by taking care of yourself. The power of determination and will power is breathtaking! Good for you! You have inspired me to do the same. I am going to take photos…
  • Hi there, I am sure it is difficult when you LOVE food and being surrounded by good food (and not so good food) in the company of your favourite of the tricks I have been using (besides MFP) is to tell as many people as possible in my social circles and family about my weight loss goals. The more people you…
  • WOW AND WOW! CONGRATS! It is so inspriring to see people like you overcome challenges and acheive a healthier lifestyle. Thanks so much for posting your story and pics. It probably motivated more people than you can imagine! Once again, congratulations on meeting your goals and making you and your health a priority!
  • I agree with JONIWOLF because if you are supposed to be eating 1200, you should aim for that. It might just mean getting an extra portion of fruit in the morning (best time to eat it so you can burn off the sugar throughout the day), or a granola bar somewhere during the day. You could also change up or swap out the type…
  • Hi Lori! I like that you tell it like it is. You have so much focus and determination so you WILL reach your goals, and it totally helps to have like-minded peopele surrounding you. I don't know where you live or whether you want people to know that, but I did a search to see if there were people in my area who were on MFP…
  • Hi there, I hear you! I am in the same boat but I have 40 lbs to lose! I am 5'0" so I definately look chubby when I have extra weight. If you eat good foods, 1200 calories a day is actually very fullfulling. A few years ago, and before I had my son, I successfully lost over 30 lbs with that amount of calories and kept it…
  • Hello everyone, I am 31, a busy new mom, and need to lose 40 lbs. Just started MFP yesterday, but feeling good about it. Feel free to add me...I love to problem-solve and give advice on just about anything. :) Have a great day everyone. And remember to log EVERYTHING!
  • Hello fellow Canadian! I recently joined this site (my second day) and I congratulate you for having the dedication to improve your health while facing other obstacles!! I have 40 pounds of pregnancy weight to lose (well, some is baby weight, and the rest is extra weight I had from before!!). I have lost weight…