

  • Thank you all for your help. I continue to amazed by the help I receive with this program
  • That makes sense. I guess I just need to learn, when I can start bulking. I still have a lot to loose in my opinion. Thank you again
  • Thank you for your reply, both responses make a lot of sense to me. I do think I don't eat enough a lot of the time. I loose track of time and it get beyond me
  • I agree, you have to find what works for you. I have green smoothies every morning. I get 2 cups spincah, 1/2 banana, 3/4 mango, 1 cup starwberries maybe 1/2 mangos. Really it is all up to you. I change what I put in according to what I have on hand. I think the things that helps me the most (even though I know you said…
  • Thanks, I really hope it comes off. Sometimes it is so easy to put on the wight and so hard to take it off. I was so dunbfounded to see the scale this morning. I am chugging water in hopes it all just the sodium in the spurge I had. Thanks :smile: