

  • I did WW several years ago on the Momentum plan with great success. I lost 30 pounds in 6 months. But, like most diet plans, once I went off the program, I gained back everything I lost and then some. I went back to WW, now on points plus system and it didn't work for me. I tried MFP and was not gaining any ground after…
  • Hello, Everyone. And thanks to Alice for inviting me to join this group. My name is Donna. I am 60 years old and an RN living in Tennessee. I am married with two adult daughters, one grand daughter and triplet 8 year old grandsons (a great source of exercise!) I joined MFP several months ago with the goal of losing about…
  • Hummm, looks like people either love Apple products or hate them. I'm seeing no gray areas here. I guess I fall into the love category. I have had several other smart phones as well as iPhones and I, personally, find iPhone much more user friendly. After having an iPhone, I wouldn't want anything else. Impatiently awaiting…
  • Hello Everyone. My name is Donna. I am 60 years old. I joined MFP almost two months ago and have lost a total of three pounds (as of today). Problem is that I have lost and regained that same three pounds a dozen times since starting this journey. I have heard a dozen different ideas about the "correct" way to work the…
  • I did Weight Watchers three years ago with the Points Plan and lost 30 lbs. in six months. I achieved Lifetime Membership and thought the program was wonderful. I kept the weight off for over a year. Then, I had a major crisis in my life and started stress eating. When I rapidly regained all my lost weight, I joined WW…
  • I, too, am stuck in the "nothing seems to change" zone for two months now. My TDEE is 1593. I am eating between 1000 - 1200 calories a day, If I eat 250 - 500 less than my TDEE as suggested on this feed, I should be eating 1093 - 1343. I walk about 3 miles a couple times a week and take short bike rides for exercise. Heath…
  • I wish I had a magic answer for you but I am experiencing the same issues and I, too, am very frustrated. I've been a month on MFP with absolutely no change. At one point I showed a three pound loss but gained it right back. I have researched BMI, TDEE and a ton of other weight related figures that are suppose to help…
  • Pretty new to this and at the risk of sounding stupid, can someone explain what TDEE is? Thanks.
  • I'm Donna. I just joined as well. Feel free to add me. Maybe we can encourage and support each other!