JayLee5005 Member


  • I was stuck for years - literally - trying everything, everything, everything. Finally gave the whole Paleo plan a go...wow, that made a difference. Might be worth checking it out: search "Whole9 Life" or "The Whole 30" for details. Hang in there...I know it's so frustrating...so hard to keep trucking along without the…
  • Weekend recovery mode begins....beach house weekend with husband's family celebrating a graduation, three birthdays and two anniversaries. Whew! I actually did OK with food, considering the limited choices/family-style meals...but there was margarita machine going constantly and too much wine. I was able to limit the…
  • Whew! That's what I get for missing yesterday. Speedy thread. :) I work long days Wednesdays (9-8) usually without a break...so no time to check in here...but I just got caught up. @kicking, @Val, @aubbie, @jewels - WELCOME! I'm relatively new, too...and so far it's been a great help in the motivation department to be on…
  • Happy Birthday Charlotte!! @toots Ha!! That totally could have been us! (If we'd had other kids at the time, we would have let them name him for sure!) Funny!
  • @heather I have a heavy duty Kitchenaid and make breakfast smoothies almost daily...1.5 c almond milk, fill rest of pitcher with baby spinach...I don't use ice but frozen fruit/veggies instead and on the "chop ice" setting it never has any trouble. smooth, smooth. @toots The year he was born President's Day was on the…
  • @shiny I used to tell myself, "just put on the clothes and tennis shoes, that's enough for now." Some days I never would actually go for a walk or make it to the gym, but most of the time it was enough of a baby step to get in some kind of movement. The psychological tricks of turning exercise from chore to treat...it's a…
  • Good morning! @Aug I love that show...and yes, looks like Walter will keep on making meth. I finally just bought an ellipitcal machine and put it right in front of the TV...at least that way I don't feel quite so guilty keeping up with the latest drama in the drug world! ;-) @gigi Welcome! I need water as a goal,…