

  • I'm actually similar build to yours but with just about over 35pound to lose,I liked your post, may be I need to change my setting a bit so I take more calories,protein,carbs etc in, but due to my work schedule and college I can rarely fit in more than 1200cals per day as usually awake at night and sleep from1am-10am, also…
  • I do it all the time with mine, even though I came from a culture to be naked in-front of anyone is a taboo, I think its good for kids in a way so they can embrace their own body and not be ashamed of it.
  • I am @mishaky :smile:
  • Hey same journey as you just started three days ago, what are you doing in terms of fitness?I do kettleWorx at the moment due to tight college schedule so its more convenience for me. Lets go and keep it up.It will be good to encourage eachother
  • I have just started my kettle-Worx routine,started it on the 16th Dec combining it with my own healthy eating hopeful will see the result in 6weeks as promised. I want to loose at least 2stones before my 30th birthday in March.Does anyone know if this is possible? I will try to do 6times a week rather than 3times and…