

  • That is the easiest way to make fish and also to make it taste the way you want. I use whole fish with this method and stuff it with onions, garlic, carrots and whatever else I feel like putting in there. If you can do the can thing, the flavored tuna is popular with people who aren't big fans of fish. Delicious on…
  • I was researching this online yesterday and with different fitness programs like Weight By Date and Fit Day. Still inconclusive and maybe it's just because it's really different for everyone but I wish there was a real concrete answer. To lose the same weight at the same rate, Fit day allowed me anywhere between 1900…
  • I am also a big cracker fan and they are very expensive. I like a couple slices of toasted bread in the morning and by the way I find your bread really high in calories at 140/slice. All the ones I've had are around that much for 2 slices. So for me, the calories per portion is approximately the same, but I find the…
  • [quote/]i disagree with what she she about working abs daily. EVERY muscle group needs a rest once in a while. U should just focus on different muscle groups when you have the sore ones, and keep rotating muscle groups regardless as to whether they are sore or not. You should always cycle through different parts on…
  • OK, so I like to binge drink now and then and I'm well aware of the calorie intake in doing so. The worst part is probably the feast that usually follows, but the 12+beers don't help either. I've been trying the low calorie beers such as Sleeman Clear which I love and is only 90 cals and 2.5g's carbs. It's pretty good…
  • Cutting out fast food is definitely important in losing weight!! The facts about the food they serve is now easily available so there's no excuse! I cut out McDonald's completely after seeing Supersize Me. They are evil evil evil, despite what Penn and Teller say! heheh As for Subway, it's perfect if you're having their…
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