

  • It really does depend on what you're looking for. I trust anything made by Clif. Clif bars are great for energy and they give you a little protein along with it, keeping me full for a while. They taste great and are filled up with a lot of the junk that other bars have. Clif Builder bars are for when you want something…
  • No worries! If you don't occasionally treat yourself, you're missing out on life a tiny bit, and more importantly, it could sabotage your weight loss. Little treats here and there, as long as you generally are eating healthfully and working out, are a-ok. Plus, some donuts are only about 180 calories and not even horrible…
  • Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Braveheart On the Waterfront I love movies all too much
  • Berries (all sorts!) Red meat Some kind of salty snack (anything will do)
  • Yeah, this place is great. I just started, too. I was looking for a nutrtion calculator, but all of these different sites costed $$$, and I wasn't willing to pay. But then I found this site. I cannot believe it's free. It's amazing. I've been using it for 5 days now, and it's really been helpful in a number of ways. It's…