

  • I know what you mean! I see myself the way I feel, and that is how I used to look I guess. I have cried over pictures periodically, but only recently decided to do something about it. I had a breakdown in My Doctors office. He wanted me to do Medi-fast, but I know how to eat healthy. Depression after My Moms death has been…
  • Deseed the cucumbers and cut into chunks. add diced tomatoes, chopped red onion and chopped avacado. add balsamic vinegar stir and serve. you can add a little olive oil if you want, but dont if you dont want the calories.
  • Thanks for your post today! It really helped me. I am on day 2, and realized I have to be honest with myself if it is going to work. Hve a great day!
  • I enjoy fresh sliced tomatoes from the garden and any other beautiful veggies that I may have. Small amount of dressing for dipping, leaving the romaine lettuce leaves whole is fun. The table is full and I feel good about all the nutrients !!!