

  • You can also use Taco Seasoning and steam it, it tastes really good, i also do this no carb, no sugar honey dijon dressing from stop and shop and bake it until golden brown.
  • My name is Ivonne Vega and I had my RNY on 11/20/13 in Hartford, CT, the hardest part right now is that sometimes i don't even get hungry or don't feel like eating and I know that is not good, the doctor told me i need to eat between 1000 to 1200 calories a day.... I would have to eat all day.... i really need recipes and…
  • never mind i just realized that was back in 2012 i responded to myself...LOL:laugh:
  • :smile: I accepted your friend request... on this post i was actually replying to someone i have no idea how it looks like i wrote it..
  • I buy sugar free popsicles and sugar free hard candy