


  • annwyatt69
    annwyatt69 Posts: 727 Member
    Hi! My name is Cindi, I weigh 298 pounds, and I expect to do the surgery in the next 4-6 weeks. I am nervous...I have friends tell me that I can lose it by another method.....but I just want to get it off as quickly as possible and get healthy.

    I have a couple of questions. What is the recovery time really like? How exhausted are you? If you had a desk job, could you work a few hours a day in the first week or so?

    Also....I currently work out and I drink a lot of water. Is it really possible t stay hydrated by sipping water during a workout?

    And how much hair do you really lose?

    I am sorry I am throwing so many questions out in my introduction. I guess I'm looking for reinforcement from folks who have had the surgery instead of the physicians performing the surgery.,

    Do any of you regret having the surgery?


    First off, for me, the weight loss has not been any "quicker" than it would have been if I had stayed on the liquid protein shake/sensible dinner I did before surgery. But, the surgery, for me, has been a blessing because they also repaired a hiatal hernia that gave me hell for years. I did the surgery for health reasons. I am a type I diabetic and the excess weight was killing me.
    As for working, exercise, etc. I had a little pain in my left abdominal region, but nothing that would have kept from a desk job. I think that would be a question to ask your surgeon, though.
    I manage to stay well hydrated with 64-80 fluid oz. of water a day.
    As for hair loss, I have not lost any. I take my multivitamin, calcium, sublingual B12, and iron every day. Focus on protein each day as well, and you shouldn't lose much hair. If you notice that you are, try taking biotin--it helps.
    As for questions, honestly, building a good rapport with your bariatric surgeon and dietitian (one who specializes in bariatric patients) is the best option.
  • Hello. My name is Rachel and I live in West Virginia. I am currently in my 6 month pre-op diet plan, where I have to go to the dr. once a month for weigh in and discuss my diet. I am only on month 2 so I still have a long journey ahead of me. I am very excited about this journey though. I have always been a big person and have tried to accept that BUT now I just refuse to accept it. I have PCOS, borderline diabetes, and achy joints from my weight (314 lbs). It is so nice to have a support group that has went through this same process, as the only support I really have is my husband. I hope to find many new friends in this journey :happy:
  • Hi my name is Nicole, I am 32 and from San Diego, California. I am going on month 3 of my pre-op appointments. My surgery is sleighted for sometime in March. I haven't met my surgeon yet, I plan to in the next few weeks. I am having a hard time choosing which surgeon to use. There are two within the program I am involved with. I haven't always been a fan of the surgery. Mostly because I kept telling myself I could do it on my own. Sadly I didn't realize this until my weight got crazy out of control. I had made a promise to myself that if I couldn't make some postive change in a year I would look at surgery as an option. I kept my promise and in August I met with my primary care doctor who then sent me to the medical groups weight loss clinic. I would probably be having my surgery sometime next month had I went ahead and followed through with the appointment I had in august but I still found myself in a bit of denial. I finally went in October and now I am on my way. No regrets. I keep telling myself that because I don't want to feel like I failed. I am doing what I need to do now. I'm so glad I made that promise to myself because I was basically told there were no other options for weight loss other than surgery. They felt my BMI was too high to be sucessful on my own. I am having the roux-en-y proceedure for the same reasons. I don't think I am nervous, more anxious than anything. But I suppose as time gets closer I will be. I am trying to maintain a certain level of excitement but I often find myself frustrated with the lack of support and all from the same people who had been telling me for years that I should get the surgery done and now that I've finally made up my mind to do so I find a lof of those people are now telling me not to have it. I have had to walk away from many conversations because people have one thing or another to say that is directly against what I am doing or if they feel that what my doctor has told me is wrong information. It's gets pretty tiresome and I have pretty much developed and I don't care what you think I am doing this for me not you and my doctor is a doctor for a reason and you aren't attitude. If the topic brought up I try my best to change the subject.
  • hixona
    hixona Posts: 7 Member
    Nice to meet you! I am 39 years old and from Rogers, AR. I had RNY in Sept. 2008. I went from 322 to 170. A year after theat, I had my apron (stomach flap) removed. That was another 7 pounds of extra skin. I have added some back (50) but working hard to get them off. I got were I was was eating a little of this and a little of that.. heck a person could eat a whole cow a little at a time. Also, I started having a glass of red wine after 2 years. Trust me, stay away from wine... one addiction can lead to another. SO.. here I am logging my food and I joined World Gym and now working with a trainer everyday. My new journey to lose 40 lbs before I turn 40 in May. :happy:
  • Pinkielee81
    Pinkielee81 Posts: 27 Member
    Hello my name is Pinkie I am not new mfp but I am new to groups. Ok well a little about me I am a Wife and mother of 4, my surgery date is in January (day to be figured out later) I am ready, its been a long road leading to where I am, and it's time to get my health under control permanently. with that wish me luck! :)
  • pixied12
    pixied12 Posts: 27 Member
    Awesome!!!!! My surgery is Jan. 14. I'm having the Roux-en-Y done. I am a single Mother of a 10 yr. old boy with high-functioning autism. His name is David. Are you having the sleeve, lap band, or the Roux-en-Y? How does your family feel about it? Both of my parents had the surgery done and they are behind me 100%. So is my Boyfriend and my son.
  • MCunliffe
    MCunliffe Posts: 29 Member
    I had my RNY done December 13, 2011. My highest weight on a doctor's scale was in March 2009 at 465 lbs. I am positive that I gained a lot more weight after that and was pretty close to (if not over) 500 lbs - I just never weighed myself again after seeing that 465 on the scale. I officially began my weight loss journey in March 2011 at 407 lbs. I saw the nutritionist and family doctor every month until my surgery in December. The day of my surgery I weighed 366 lbs. Now 9 months later I weigh 245 lbs. This surgery literally saved my life. It was the best decision I could have made for myself. I want to be around to see my granddaughter and grandson grow up. I want to be around for my children as they grow up and start their own lives. I want to be healthy for myself.

    My husband had RNY done September 4, 2012. His highest weight was 380ish. He had his 2 week post op appointment today and weighed in at 332 lbs. Yay!

    Wow, great for you! I have been off line and off my plan for quite some time. You introduction has inspired me to get myself back in gear and continue to lose the last 100 pounds of my goal!

  • Hey everyone! My name is Carrie I'm 26 years old a mother of 3 children ages 2,4 and 7, I live in Massachusetts. I starting the process for RNY, went to the seminar and the consultation, went today to pay my fee and got all my appointment for dietitian and such for the next 3 months, they said it will take about 3 months for insurance approval, so excited, i feel like this is a new chapter in my life and I cant wait to see whats next! Hope to meet some new friends on here, feel free to add me :]
  • rubisliprz
    rubisliprz Posts: 139 Member
    This is Carol, 54 yo and aiming for RNY surgery this summer. I'm halfway through the 3 month pre-op time with dr. and dietician. Very encouraging so far. Unfortunately I'm not a creative cook, and convenience is the key... and has also been a lot of the problem. Learning from all who have gone before me will be wonderful. Started at 270, goal maybe 170.
  • anitadanafit
    anitadanafit Posts: 38 Member
    Welcome. I am busy too so convenience is a huge factor in my food choices. Post surgery has added a whole new dimension to that. I haven't figured out how to cook a couple ounces of meat or a 1/4 cup of veggies so now I have a refrigerator full of left-overs. They are convenient to re-heat but since I don't want to waste food I am eating the same thing over and over and over again. It is all good though.

    Good luck with your surgery.
  • Ericha2
    Ericha2 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Everyone! I'm 2 1/2 weeks post op. I used MFP for my 6 month pre-surgery weight loss program and am continuing to use it for for tracking calories and protein intake post surgery. I started pureed food this week and am doing pretty well so far. Down 19 lbs since surgery. :o)
  • themrsforbes
    themrsforbes Posts: 1 Member
    My name is Carrie Forbes. I have just moved to Traverse City, Michigan from Jackson, Michigan. I recently aquired a position in a hospital which has insurance that covers gastric bypass surgery. I have not even had my intitial consult yet but I am super excited to have the surgery done. I have two daughters ages 16 and 10. My 16 year old is already obese and I am hoping that my lifestyle change will rub off on her. I won't be cooking anymore unhealthy food so I guess she will eat what I serve or starve. I have been married for 9 years to a man who loves me know matter how big I am. I am looking forward to doing something for myself and giving me the life that I deserve. I hope that this site and this blog will help me get the support I need to make this lifestyle change.
  • CarolynSwinford
    CarolynSwinford Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, my name is Carolyn from Everett, WA. I am going to have the bypass surgery next month, hopefully soon they will give me an exact date. I am having it because I have diabetes and a number of other health issues and this is a way to put diabetes into remission and of course to be healthy.
    I am excited and nervous about this whole process!
  • Hello! I'm a 38 year old male residing in Virginia. I had my RNY almost four weeks ago. After the first week of recovery, it's been pretty smooth sailing. I actually enjoy eating smaller portion sizes and am having a hard time believing the way I used to eat. Anyway, there aren't many males my age having this surgery but I still enjoy reading about everyone else's experiences. It really is an adventure! I already get lots of comments at work about my weight loss and I've really only lost about 40 lbs so far since my pre-op liquid diet.
  • amberlenae80
    amberlenae80 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Everyone! I am Amber, 33, single mom and had my RNY April 1, 2013. I've been tinkering back and forth between 50-60 lbs. I've pretty much stalled for the last few months. However, I've not been doing as I am supposed to. I don't have dumping symptoms it seems with anything so I've taken advantage of that. My hopes are to start the 5 day pouch diet tomorrow and start anew. I've got Type 2 Diabetes, high blood pressure, hypothyroidism and a family history of heart disease. I quit smoking two months prior to my surgery so I've made really good progress towards living a healthier lifestyle and I want this so bad. I am here to get support from you guys first and foremost. But also, I feel if I track my food prior to eating it I can see where I'm making my biggest mistakes. I'm glad to be here and I really look forward to seeing that scale drop again.
  • nena39
    nena39 Posts: 6
    My name is Ivonne Vega and I had my RNY on 11/20/13 in Hartford, CT, the hardest part right now is that sometimes i don't even get hungry or don't feel like eating and I know that is not good, the doctor told me i need to eat between 1000 to 1200 calories a day.... I would have to eat all day.... i really need recipes and try new foods I'm on phase 3 now .
  • guardianwill
    guardianwill Posts: 54 Member
    Greetings all, I am Guardianwill and post op gastric bypass last sept - 2013. I am 7 months out and already surpassed the doctors goals and have 20 remaining pounds to lose. I hope with the 1 year window that I will have the opportunity to lose this 20 pounds. Hope to meet each of you to inspire and be inspired!
  • Hi, I'm Tiffany. I live in Arkansas. I'm a mother of 2 & 40 years old. I was approved and scheduled for surgery June 17, 2014.
    I'm so nervous. I'm having second thoughts. I think it's because I'm on my liquid diet, things are getting real, and I'm hungry. I come in way under my 800 calories/day. I'm never really hungry, just thinking about food. Nothing ever sounds good, so I don't eat. Does this all work itself out?
  • grim_traveller
    grim_traveller Posts: 627 Member
    Hi, I'm Tiffany. I live in Arkansas. I'm a mother of 2 & 40 years old. I was approved and scheduled for surgery June 17, 2014.
    I'm so nervous. I'm having second thoughts. I think it's because I'm on my liquid diet, things are getting real, and I'm hungry. I come in way under my 800 calories/day. I'm never really hungry, just thinking about food. Nothing ever sounds good, so I don't eat. Does this all work itself out?

    It is all part of the process. Everyone gets nervous and worries. But every person I've asked is glad they did it, and wish they had done it sooner.
  • NanaAnne511
    NanaAnne511 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, my name is Melissa from Spring Hill Fl. I am a nana of 7 awesome grandchildren. I had gastric bypass surgery on 7.13.15 and doing fantastic. It is amazing what I liked and did not like prior to my surgery and what I like now! I too make a dish and then eat until gone unless I can freeze it.