

  • I think that is basic human nature, I am also either doing really well or really rubbish If I have one thing off track I tend to think " on well I have stuffed it anyway might as well eat what I want and start again on Monday " but f course Monday hardly ever comes
  • I also have Fibrmyalgia and Sjorens syndrome as well as the Psoriatic arthritis all diagnosed last year although I had symptoms for a year before the diagnosis and yes exercise is good for you as long as done properly and you know your limits. Although I am on loads of medication exercise still makes me feel even better x
  • It will take a while depending on what you are taking, BUT I started on Enbrel last Otober and noticed a huge difference within a week, however it is really expensive and I don`t know much about your health care over there. I have to try 3 other types of medication before they put me on the weeky injection Over here you…
  • Also if you don`t mind me asking, you say you are still in pain, have they stated you on any treatment yet ? I am on a lot of medication and it has been juggled about for about the last year but I am finally more or less pain free most of the time x and I litterally suffer in every joint except for my elbows
  • I have Psoriatic Arthritis which is very similar and I have been told that walking, swimming and cycling are all fine to do, it really is only the stuff where you jump around that can cause people like us problems When I wanted to start getting active I spoke to my Rheumatologist and he pointed me in the right direction…
  • I am 40 and like everyone else need all the support and friends I can get :wink:
  • Yes I did and I lost weight the first week and then gained for three weeks after :mad: I lost weight before through calories counting and it`s the only way for me. If I am told I can eat as much as I like, I stuff myself stupid, I have to be a bit restricted
  • I would love to have a body like Jillian Michaels, she looks amazing and she used to be over weight too
  • Like I said I have Fibro and PSA and I also have Sjogrons syndrome BUT I have b=never heard of FODMAPS ? can anyone enlighten me please ??? thanks
  • Hi I also have Fibromyalgia as well as PSA so I know exactly how you feel my dear and it means I am very restricted as to what I can do with regards to exercise, mainly becasue of the PSA I have loads to lose and have only just started and it all feels a bit daunting but we will get there
  • I have literally just had delivered my new Latin Dance workout kit so guess what I will be doing tonight to work off the bun and quavers ?? Thanks everyone you are all amazing xxx
  • I feel better now, at the time I was all angry and wound up with myself I have a sandwich and some soup for lunch and I won`t be that hungry tonight now so will probably just have some more soup. If I am over my caloris I was slightly under the last two days and if I try that for the next day or two I should swerve it…
  • I am new too, I have been here before BUT have decided to stay this time. I have set tomorrow as my start date as I want to clear out all my cupboards out of any rubbish food tonight Good luck, I am always here x
  • :wink: OMG if your photo dosen`t give me an incentive then nothing will x you look amazing x