

  • I am about to order one today! :-) thanks Il give you my user name for nike fuel once it comes in! But the only question i have, is does it sync at all to my fitness pall? how do you track the calories burn here from the band throught the days? I kind of like that the fitbit automatically syncs here.
  • Hi! I know the feeling i work 8-5 and have a 5 yr old and a 8 month old. I need to loose 30-40 pounds and it is so hard when i dont have time. I am also starting school again to finish my degree on tuesdays and thursdays. It is so hard to work out but thank god my job gives me 3 hours a day with pay to go to the gym :-) i…
  • Do you really like the fuel band better than the fitbit? i am contemplating on switching but keep debating. Is he accuracy of the band as good as the fitbit?
  • Hey i am 27 ! want to loose about 40 lbs! will be nice to have someone to compare with and encourage! Hope we can be fitness buddies :-) I am from North Carolina!
  • MY FIRST official day here too. Looking for new buddies to share progress and updates with! hope to keep each other motivated!