rsdisney Member


  • Your face and arms are thinner, you are more defined and have curves where you were straight before. Keep up the good work. I know when we look at ourselves we dont always see the difference. Your doing great!!!!!
  • I think almost everyone ends up in the 1200 calorie range. Everyone I work with signed on after I told them about this and that was their Ideal calorie goal too. It's easier than you think. Just takes a lot of self control. I find eating a light breakfast and a salad or "smart one" for lunch and then a good dinner works…
  • Thank you for that reminder....that is what I used to think of and I havent in a while, I so needed to read this :0)
  • Congrats and thank you for that. Def gives me hope and helps my self confidence. When I started the doc had just weighed me in at 231 and told me about this program. I told her I was not happy but, needed something that was easy to help me along the way. She said "accountability on what I eat and do and seeing it in…
  • My family and looking in the mirror. I want to know that I look good again and I want to have the energy and strength to have fun with my family. Being thin and healthy will also add years to my life. There really is no excuse when it comes to be over weight except you have to watch what you eat, exercise and want it. Life…
  • I'm with you, I almost hit my goal for 2012 and then life happened. I still have a ways to go and I am not stopping, I love how much more energy I have now that I am doing this and I am very excited. We all need to keep each other accountable. I have to think my husband probably the most, he is my biggest supporter. He's…
    in 2013. Comment by rsdisney December 2012
  • I havent been eating junk food or anything like that, if you read my post correctly. I just havent really been watching and counting calories and obsessing over it like I was. My weight just hasnt budged. I just felt guilty because I havent been able to get to the gym and havent had time to sign on here and count the…
  • I know what to do. Just got a membership for the Y...will be going three times a week. Weight loss here I come.
  • I'm with whole family is voting Mitt.
  • Everyone has a day that they wish they could take back. Sometimes you need to just splurge. Just have to re set your mind that you can do this and get back on the wagon. The thing that helps me, think of what you want to look like and keep a mental image in your mind...anytime you want to go off the wagon, think about your…
  • i set a time period daily and make sure that I keep it. I know that life can get in the way and you may miss a day or two, so make your goal to be 5 days a week. That is obtainable.