

  • Last Name + First and Middle Initial Plus it is what I use on Fitocracy, RunKeeper, and Twitter.
  • My opinions, they may or may not work for you. Weight loss is 80% nutrition and 20% cardio/strength training. I didn't want to increase my activity at first, but after 15 pounds I wanted to go out and run because I could. "Working out" and exercise without a goal will not give you results. Go to the bookstore of your…
  • My step down for soda is going as follows: (Start) Mountain Dew -> Dr Pepper -> Diet Coke -> Sweet Tea -> Unsweet Tea (Now). I will have Diet Coke when I eat out if they don't have Tea. At home it's water. I stopped buying soda when I added up the price, I stopped sweet tea when I started MFP (240C @ 32oz).
  • If he unloads then it shouldn't matter as he will burn it off. If he does turn and burn then it might catch up to him. But 180 for a OTR is really great in itself. :)
  • 27lb in 75 days. Little to no exercise. Eating under my calorie rating usually 100 to 300 for 12 to 13 days and then go over on day 14 by 200 to 300 so my metabolism doesn't crash. Little to no grain, 15 to 20g of protein per meal, three meals a day. No caloric drinks, only unsweetened tea and diet soda, but I've dropped…