Any OTR trucker wives out there?

How often is your bubby home? How does it effect your dieting? Mine is only home on Saturday spends the night and leaves Sunday night. We used to eat huge when he was home, but lately I've been worried about his health. He drinks a whole case of Coke while he's out during the week. He's 5'11" and currently weighs 180, so he's not over wieght at all, but all that soda can't be good. I started making his big weekend food healthier (had to be sneaky about it though) and he went from 210 to 180 just from eating good on weekends. Now my dieting isn't as effected on weekends anymore either. What about the rest of you? I'd like to talk to other trucker wives specifically over the road drivers.


  • williamsbk
    If he unloads then it shouldn't matter as he will burn it off. If he does turn and burn then it might catch up to him. But 180 for a OTR is really great in itself. :)
  • spcopps
    spcopps Posts: 283
    If he unloads then it shouldn't matter as he will burn it off. If he does turn and burn then it might catch up to him. But 180 for a OTR is really great in itself. :)

    I agree with this..DH was a car hauler..3 weeks out 3-4 days in. When he was chaining the cars he never gained weight and actually lost a bit. Now he drives for Budweiser and just uses handtrucks and he is getting a truck driver belly :)
  • jsmjboertlein
    If he unloads then it shouldn't matter as he will burn it off. If he does turn and burn then it might catch up to him. But 180 for a OTR is really great in itself. :)

    He unloads but I more worry about the effect of that much soda on his stomach and intestinal walls. It is really tearing up his teeth we keep them fixed up and pretty of course but I stillo see the befores and it scares me. if it can do that to hard teeth what can it do to a soft tummy. He used to have an ulcer but it went away.
  • jsmjboertlein
    If he unloads then it shouldn't matter as he will burn it off. If he does turn and burn then it might catch up to him. But 180 for a OTR is really great in itself. :)

    I agree with this..DH was a car hauler..3 weeks out 3-4 days in. When he was chaining the cars he never gained weight and actually lost a bit. Now he drives for Budweiser and just uses handtrucks and he is getting a truck driver belly :)

    Are you sure it's not a beer belly? te he sorry HAD to.
  • williamsbk
    My step down for soda is going as follows: (Start) Mountain Dew -> Dr Pepper -> Diet Coke -> Sweet Tea -> Unsweet Tea (Now). I will have Diet Coke when I eat out if they don't have Tea. At home it's water. I stopped buying soda when I added up the price, I stopped sweet tea when I started MFP (240C @ 32oz).
  • jsmjboertlein
    My step down for soda is going as follows: (Start) Mountain Dew -> Dr Pepper -> Diet Coke -> Sweet Tea -> Unsweet Tea (Now). I will have Diet Coke when I eat out if they don't have Tea. At home it's water. I stopped buying soda when I added up the price, I stopped sweet tea when I started MFP (240C @ 32oz).

    Well he kinda has done that he was doing Mellow Yellow which is even worse than Mountain dew I found out, then he went to sunkist, now he's on coke. He did sweet tea for a bit but it wouldn't stay fresh all week so he went back to coke.
  • spcopps
    spcopps Posts: 283
    If he unloads then it shouldn't matter as he will burn it off. If he does turn and burn then it might catch up to him. But 180 for a OTR is really great in itself. :)

    I agree with this..DH was a car hauler..3 weeks out 3-4 days in. When he was chaining the cars he never gained weight and actually lost a bit. Now he drives for Budweiser and just uses handtrucks and he is getting a truck driver belly :)

    Are you sure it's not a beer belly? te he sorry HAD to.

    LOL that was funny! No it's not a beer belly..believe it or not he doesn't really drink beer it's to expensive these days :)