tricoachart Member


  • The surprising truth about fats. There are some major myths about fats. Let’s start with the 2 most common. 1. True or false? All fats are bad for you — FALSE. Some fats are actually healthy. Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats can be good for you, because they help lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart…
  • No waiting in a drive-through line for these portable pitas! The protein and whole wheat will keep you going through the morning—without the saturated fat, cholesterol, and sodium of fast food. Ingredients 2 6-inch whole-wheat pita pockets 1 teaspoon canola or corn oil 1/4 cup chopped green onions (about 2 medium) 2/3 cup…
  • Two key studies released earlier this year found that, when you cover the same number of miles per week, running and walking are equally as effective in lowering the risk of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, depression, and other chronic conditions. These same studies also indicate that…
  • Serve your meals on 8” plates instead of 12” plates. Your plate will look fuller, and you’ll have the right amount of food for your meal.
  • For 1/27/14 - Most fruits are naturally low in fat, sodium, and Calories, so have fruit in place of high-Calorie desserts.
  • From the article on LiveStrong - Healthy Stronger Snacks under 200 calories. I've had 'em. They're good! How's that for a recommendation? Simply Sweet Potato Fries | Try this great alternative to french fries. Pre-heat your oven to 350. Slice one sweet potato into thin strips and toss with 2 teaspoons of olive oil, salt…
  • I tend to agree. When it's warm and sunny I like to be running or cycling out on the road.
  • I could not agree more Joyce! I think logging and tracking and journaling helps to tie you to your journey a little deeper and maybe helps to strengthen the commitment. Thanks for sharing!
  • Hey Angela, Welcome to the group! Glad you're in!