

  • Well ... here (I think) is the truth: 1)Weight gain ? from a 0 calorie product ? it speaks for itself 2)Aspartame ? Do you know how much do you have to consume to even have a little side effect ? 3)Increases the need for sweets ? Well yes and no... if you're "prone" to eating a lot of sweets maybe...
  • You're fine with just a protein shake for the night , nutritional speaking... however I don't think you'd be satisfied with just a drink for the night... lets be honest.... moderation is key .... don't try to jam you're high-cal meals during the day because this "eating small at night" is a BS big time.... try to aim at…
  • For a female you do consume too much carbs to be honest ... You should try to keep that 165g/day goal that MFP set or even get to 140 at a certain point(e.g. when you're not so active) .... that clean eating type a deal is , for the most part , non-sense because a carb is still a carb... you're body can't tell the…
  • Hi Cristin, My guess (which is based on first hand experience with others that I've helped a.k.a no science added :) ) is that either your carbs / fats are too high... I know it sucks to hear that but even at that low-cal diet you're carbs / fats are maybe too high .. OR you haven't stick to a certain daily calorie goal…
    in Calories Comment by bogdanb94 July 2012
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