Low Calorie Dinner - Healthy

Is it okay to eat let's say just a protein shake for dinner if I've "saved" my high calorie meals for the day? I'm currently taking spin a few nights a week and according to my HRM I'm burning about 500 cals per class. I'm thinking if I can keep my calorie intake at a minimum I can start dropping some pounds. I'd like to lose 10lbs (at least) by September 15th. I'm currently 5'3", about 185lbs.

My biggest hurdle, lately, with food is carbs and eating at night because I'm bored. So, I'm trying to work on this.


  • bogdanb94
    bogdanb94 Posts: 4
    You're fine with just a protein shake for the night , nutritional speaking... however I don't think you'd be satisfied with just a drink for the night... lets be honest.... moderation is key .... don't try to jam you're high-cal meals during the day because this "eating small at night" is a BS big time.... try to aim at having equal calories in each meal... hope this helps :)
  • shivles
    shivles Posts: 468 Member
    I'd be more inclined to have a protein rich salad (chicken,tuna etc) so you're kept full from the protein without being too huge on the calories if they're an issue for you. I wouldn't be satisfied with a shake all night, especially if I crave food later on as it is!
  • sunshine_gem
    sunshine_gem Posts: 390 Member
    If you're just eating because you're bored and not actually hungry try and find something else to do. For me, I do puzzles. Sounds silly but it keeps my hands busy and is just enough for my mind to concentrate on to keep my mind off food. Drink water aswell as again, it gives something for your hands to do and makes your body thinks it's getting something it thinks it wants. A protein shake should be enough if you're getting enough food in during the day. And if you drink it slowly it's kinda like the water. It just keeps you busy. Good luck, I hope this helps!
  • SparkleHorse224
    SparkleHorse224 Posts: 98 Member
    I haven't looked at your diary or anything but I wonder if you'll send yourself into a starvation mode? If you're burning 500 calories and not making up *any* of them with an evening meal, I would think your body would conserve the calories you are eating. I don't know what's happening on September 15th but you don't want to lose unhealthfully.