

  • Hi all, As mentioned on the other thread, I finished CE at the end of November 2011 and planned to start TF 1/1, but I had an unrelated hip injury that curtailed my workouts for most of December. Now I am doing 10-Minute Trainer to try and build my stamina back up before I start TF (well, actually the TF/CE hybrid). Hope…
  • Liv, if I were you, I would definitely do the full scoop of Shakeo. It's not a lot of calories comparatively speaking and it gives your body so much of what it needs - including energy! That's my 2 cents, anyway! I started ordering it one month at a time until I realized how much I loved it and knew I would want it every…
  • Hi all... Just read your TF posts... I will be starting TF in a month or so. Just finished CE the end of November, but then had an (unrelated) injury that took me off track for about a month. Just started 10-Minute Trainer and will continue for the month of January to try and get my stamina back up before I start TF. I…