Take care of you for you ;) you got this! Ever moving forward! Congrats :p
You have given you and your family the awesome gift of life! You look amazing! Regretfully, there were many years my children did not have a healthy mom. Being obese didn't stop me from getting into a swimsuit and going. The downside was I couldn't keep up and amusement parks were a "guess" to go on a ride. So many times…
Simply Beautiful! You're killing it! Carry on.
As Yoda says, "do or do not. There is no try."
Ooh rah! You got this!. Time to take care of you. Many successful service men & women and their parents. Check out the blogs and different groups a lot of experience and support. Thanks for your service.
Your child's hugs and their fingers touch behind your back Running races with or being cheered on by your children Going to parent night at school and being able to sit at student desk A lap for your child or dog to sit in seat belts fit better shoes are easier to tie sales people approach you fitting in a movie seat and…
You rock! Proving all the "I'm too old" nay sayers wrong;) onward and downward to health and joy!
Ride in hot air balloon over the Rockies:happy:
Advice given! It's time to choose! If you are holding on until money is returned, file small claim against him. Watch Judge Judy who presides over many cases involving loaning money and relationships. Take all your energy and work toward your goal of entering the army. If you haven't talked to recruiter, do so. Add change…
Like quitting smoking,you make a choice every second of every day. Eventually, the seconds turn into minutes, hours, days then months. There is no end, it's continous. Somedays like craving a smoke, craving a favorite food will come on, it's time to choose. I tried to quit smoking many times. One day, I said, NO MORE! I've…
Thank you for sharing:)
Way to Go! You are an intelligent strong healthy woman embracing life passionately. Thank you for telling your story and paying it forward encouraging us to follow your lead. Tri is on my bucket list. Your post encourages me to go for it. Continued health and success:drinker:
My sister and I used mfp together. She 59 y/o lost 90 lbs to goal and maintained for more than one year. Me 61 lost 125 lbs still 40 plus to go. My sister is the reason I started this journey. You both will do this. Anticipating your success story. Today is your day!:drinker:
From Alice in Wonderland "This is impossible," said Alice "Only if you believe so," replied the Mad Hatter We make choices about our lives every second of everyday. When I started mfp and many days still I make a choice about food and exercise. Some choices healthier than others but I continually move forward. If you…
For some really good ideas, try these links:…
1. I filled out profile 2. Logged all food eaten 3000 plus calories daily 3. Took my dog for a walk 4. evaluate and adjust weekly 5. Water & tea replaced soda 6. Ate breakfast daily 7. Took dog for longer walks 8. Ate salads with protein daily for lunch these changes were gradual and I'm still morphing most important! Log…
Here'to another year of health, joy and most of all MAGIC! Mickey & friends will see you real soon All aboard!
Many gyms offer a free "try it" week if there are multiple gyms in your area, you could work out for a month or so without a commitment. If your schedule allows, go to gym different times throughout the day. There is a variety of ages, fitness levels and crowds throughout the day/night. Fabulous easy read for overcoming…
Hang in there! I started walking my dog at 315 pounds and gradually increased time and distance. Next came treadmill not a fan but it made me walk faster did first 5k walk @280. Walk away the pounds I'm understanding has a free you tube video if not, available at local library. She does a low impact workout which can be…
Posted replies are from mfpers who have been on site 1 month to 4 years. My question: were you unsuccessful using mfp and decided to try new direction method?
Here's to you, fit, fabulous goddess:drinker: for your awesome race finish and daily inspiration to me and now all our MFP journey pals. Thank you for showing us it can be done! Looking forward to you Disney blog:smile: Let the magic begin!
Powerful! Thank you for sharing
Congratulations! Thank you for sharing your inspirational story. It's success stories like yours that encourage others to start and continue their journey. You have a beautiful family. Kudos to your wife for taking the journey with you and being so supportive. Wishing you and your family health and joy. Thanks again for…
Congratulations! thank you for sharing your inspiring story. Wishing you continued healthy journey.
Happy Anniversary! You've come a long way baby! 86 pounds gone! I'll bet you had an awesome time on cruise this year:) Keep on logging! One day at a time:drinker:
My son hugged me and said, " wow mom I can feel your bones (scapula)
Women's shelters desperatly need larger sizes some women left abusive situations with nothing. Many organizations have job training and request business attire for women to interview in. You have changed your life give other women a chance to change theirs. Think of your donation as a gift of thanks for your health.…